Nominations for the 2019 Tasmanian Export Awards are now open to recognise the contribution our leading exporters make to our State. Tasmania has what the rest of the world wants and now is the time to maintain the momentum and invest for growth in our trade sector to support local businesses and create more jobs. The 2019-20 State Budget invests an additional $4.4 million to support Tasmania’s first Trade Strategy, which will increase market opportunities and support Tasmanian businesses to get their products to the world. Tasmania’s trade continues to grow strongly, with exports growing 6.6 per cent compared to the last year. There are 15 categories for this year’s awards which recognise success by small business, new exporters or international businesses, and businesses based in regional areas. The Tasmanian Export Awards provide the perfect platform to showcase our world leading, premium products and I encourage all Tasmanian exporters to enter. Nominations close on Friday 9 August 2019. More information can be found at
শনিবার থেকেই শুরু মোদীর বিদেশ সফর, যাচ্ছেন মলদ্বীপ-শ্রীলঙ্কা
বিদেশমন্ত্রী এস জয়শঙ্কর এমনটাই জানিয়েছেন। উল্লেখ্য, মলদ্বীপের রাষ্ট্রপ্রধান ইব্রাহিম মহম্মদ সোলিহর আমন্ত্রণ রক্ষা করতেই মোদী প্রথম যাচ্ছেন সেদেশে। ইব্রাহিম মহম্মদ সোলিহরের সঙ্গে মোদীর যথেষ্ট...
国家开放大学与青海广播电视大学建立对口支援机制 –政务公开
5月31日,国家开放大学对口支援青海广播电视大学协议签字仪式在西宁举行,副省长刘涛出席并讲话。刘涛强调,要强化功能定位,立足省情实际,学习办学新理念,努力建设服务全民终身学习的新型高等学校。要夯实办学基础,运用信息技术,创新办学模式,满足不同类型不同层次学习需要。要提升教育质量,强化师资力量,完善教学评估制度,提高远程开放教育的有效性。要深化联合办学,全方位开展交流合作,共享优质教学资源,为我省人才培育工作做出新的贡献。(魏爽 赵静)
appel à projet ...
La Région Bretagne, propriétaire et gestionnaire des voies navigables bretonnes, en partenariat avec la ville de Rennes et avec Rennes Métropole, lance un appel...
More Jobs for Western Sydney with another Metro Rail Contract Awarded
A major contract has been awarded as part of the new Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport line, marking another important milestone in the...