DGA Launches New Website: BevinsBluegrassBlues.com


Digital hub informs Kentuckians about Gov. Matt Bevin’s failed record on jobs, education and health care

Today, the Democratic Governors Association launched a new website: BevinsBluegrassBlues.com. The website acts as a digital clearinghouse for Kentuckians to learn about Matt Bevin’s failed record of stagnating economic growth, hurting public schools and decreasing access to health care.

The website also includes a video illustrating how Bevin has stood in the way of hardworking Kentuckians who just want to get ahead. He has worked to gut health care coverage for 386,000 Kentuckians and canceled dental and vision insurance for Kentuckians without notice. Under his tenure, Kentucky has lagged far behind the rest of the country in per-capita personal income growth. And Bevin’s cuts to K-12 funding are among the worst in the nation and Kentucky’s universities are “down to the bone now.”

“As last week’s primary showed, even Republicans know Matt Bevin has been a terrible steward of Kentucky’s economy, Kentuckians’ health care, and the commonwealth’s public schools,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “It’s why he barely eked out a win as a sitting incumbent. Now, this website will be a resource for users to learn and share how Bevin has left hardworking Kentuckians behind. Voters can use this tool to hold him accountable for his failure to deliver for Kentuckians.”