Governor reflects on National Reconciliation Week theme


Governor reflects on National Reconciliation Week theme

Governor reflects on National Reconciliation Week theme

The Governor gives an address at the inaugural WA Police Aboriginal Service Medal Presentation

During National Reconciliation Week (27th May – 3rd June) the Governor gave addresses at two events that were held to honour the service of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Western Australia’s defence and police forces.

At both events, the Governor reflected on this year’s National Reconciliation Week theme – Grounded in Truth: Walk Together with Courage.

11th Annual Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Service

The Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Service was set up in 2008 to honour and pay respects to the many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Veterans who have served over the past 100 years.

“Reconciliation week – should also be subtitled ‘Knowledge Week’. When the broader community gets to understand the contribution of our Indigenous community to the nation’s survival and happiness, as well as an understanding of the trials they have been through and suffered.”

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Inaugural Aboriginal Service Medal Presentation

The long history of Aboriginals working with police in WA has led to the establishment of the WA Police Force Aboriginal Service Medal as a tangible acknowledgement of the value that the WA Police Force places on their Aboriginal members both past and present.

“While relationships between the Aboriginal community and police, in the past, have been tumultuous, it is important to note that Aboriginal people have held instrumental roles in the WA Police Force for many years.”

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