Gov. Justice issues statement on SB 289



CHARLESTON, WV – Gov. Jim Justice today issued a statement on Senate Bill 289 which modifies the wireless enhanced 911 fee to ensure compliance with federal FCC regulations.
“After extensive meetings and listening it became very clear that my intent for Senate Bill 289 was not being properly communicated. I have never wanted a dime taken away from our 911 centers or our counties. Much to the contrary, West Virginia was advised that we were out of compliance by the FCC due to diverting funds to non-911 related expenditures and that we were jeopardizing future FCC grants to our state. We have explored protecting all our counties and keeping them 100% whole by funding all these dollars through general revenue."
"Nevertheless, we have met with Sen. Tom Takubo, Dean Meadows, Director of the Wyoming County 911, Kent Carper, Speaker Roger Hanshaw, and President Mitch Carmichael. Additionally, over the weekend I talked with newly appointed Senator Paul Hardesty. This morning at around 9 am my staff met with Senator Craig Blair to look at forming an exploratory committee to ensure we reach the best solution.
"Considering all this input I have decided to pull the bill. This will shield the counties from any possible harm until all parties have a better understanding."​

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