Delivering On The Things That Matter
In his 2019 state of the state address, Governor Doug Ducey outlined an agenda focused on the things that matter. From historic investments in K-12 education and public safety to securing Arizona’s water future and passing first-in-the-nation universal licensing recognition, the governor, alongside the Arizona legislature, worked to deliver for Arizonans.
Here’s a look at the major policy accomplishments of the 2019 legislative session →
PROMISE MADE: Securing Arizona’s Water Future.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “It’s time to protect Lake Mead and Arizona. It’s time to ratify the Drought Contingency Plan and we have 17 days to do it.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: Arizona Passes Historic Water Legislation With Bipartisan Support.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “The Drought Contingency Plan is the most significant water legislation passed in nearly 40 years — and it was done by putting party labels aside and putting Arizona first. But make no mistake: today marks an important step, but not the last step, needed to protect our water supply.” (“Governor Ducey Signs Historic Drought Contingency Plan,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 01/31/19)
President Donald Trump Signs Drought Contingency Plan.
“President Donald Trump today signed legislation formalizing the Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) — a crucial step toward full implementation of the agreement to conserve more water in the Colorado River system. The legislation directs the Secretary of the Interior to adhere to the agreements previously adopted by the seven basin states, including Arizona.” (“President Signs Drought Contingency Plan Legislation,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 04/16/19)
Lower Basin States, Mexico Sign Colorado Drought Contingency Plan.
“United States Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman today joined representatives from Arizona, six other western states and Mexico at the Hoover Dam to sign the Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan (DCP), finalizing the interstate agreement to conserve water in the Colorado River and Lake Mead.” (“Lower Basin States, Mexico Sign Colorado Drought Contingency Plan,” Office of Arizona Governor, 05/20/19)
PROMISE MADE: Fulfilling And Protecting 20 Percent Teacher Raises By 2020.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “And it was just eight months ago we delivered a 20 percent pay raise to our hardworking teachers…Half of this commitment was added last fall, with some school leaders going even further… These are raises teachers earned and they are raises we are going to fulfill and protect.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: Second Phase Of 20 Percent Teacher Raises By 2020.
“Arizona’s budget fulfills and protects the second phase of the 20×2020 plan — boosting teacher pay 5 percent this year and 20 percent by school year 2020.” (“2020 Budget: Investing in the Things That Matter,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/27/19)
PROMISE MADE: Universal Licensing Recognition.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “If people want to work, let’s let them work! 100,000 people will move here this year. There’s a job available for every one of them. Lots of them are trained and certified in other states. Standing in their way of earning a living in Arizona, our own licensing boards, and their cronies who tell them — ‘You can’t work here. You haven’t paid the piper.’ Let’s stop this foolishness. Pass Warren Petersen’s bill to grant universal recognition for all occupational licenses and let them work.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: Arizona Becomes First State In The Nation To Recognize Out-of-State Occupational Licenses.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “With this bill, Arizona’s sending a clear message to people across the country: if you’re moving to Arizona, there’s opportunity waiting for you here…The bill we signed today protects public health and safety while eliminating unnecessary and costly red tape. It’s an Arizona original and should be a model for other states for how to work together and do the things that matter.” (“Open For Opportunity,” Office of Arizona Governor, 04/10/19)
PROMISE MADE: Bringing Arizona’s Rainy Day Fund To $1 Billion.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “The balanced budget I will present to you on Friday fully funds the priorities we know are important… There are some targeted investments in critical areas. But frankly, for a surplus year, this budget is pretty light reading. Because I’m proposing that we secure Arizona’s future and prepare responsibly for the unexpected and the inevitable by bringing our Rainy Day Fund, to a record-breaking balance of one billion dollars.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: Arizona’s Balanced Budget Boosts Rainy Day Fund To Record-Breaking $1 Billion.
“This budget brings the Rainy Day Fund to a record-breaking $1 billion balance, making sure Arizona is prepared for the next economic downturn.” (“2020 Budget: Investing in the Things That Matter,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 5/27/19)
PROMISE MADE: Expanding The Arizona Teachers Academy.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “So we turned it into reality and launched the Arizona Teachers Academy. Already, 221 students have started moving through the program. This year we plan to significantly expand it: more dollars, more support. We are going to create a pipeline of talent and the next generation of Arizona teachers.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: $15 Million In Permanent, Ongoing Funding For The Arizona Teachers Academy.
“The Arizona Teachers Academy is training the next generation of teachers. Through the program available at ASU, U of A and NAU, students who commit to teach in Arizona get tuition and fees waived. This budget invests $15 million to expand the Arizona Teachers Academy.” (“2020 Budget: Investing in the Things That Matter,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/27/19)
PROMISE MADE: Growing Career And Technical Education.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “Our education leaders are creating the ‘shop’ classes of the 21st century — it’s called Career and Technical Education — CTE. Today, students in these programs are training to become nurses, pilots, pharmacists, bankers, firefighters and software developers, all before graduation. These are programs we plan to build, expand and align with the jobs of tomorrow. And my budget will do just that.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: $10 Million To Grow CTE Programs In Arizona High Schools.
“The budget invests $10 million to grow Career and Technical Education programs at public high schools and community college to prepare students for jobs of the future.” (“2020 Budget: Investing in the Things That Matter,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/27/19)
Over $20 Million To Expand CTE Programs In Arizona Community Colleges.
“The aviation industry predicts over 700,000 new airline maintenance technicians will be needed in the next 20 years. This year’s budget includes $15 million to expand Pima Community College’s world-class Aviation Technology Center… This year’s budget includes $5.8 million to expand Maricopa County Community College’s health care training facilities, helping meet the growing demand for nurses, nursing assistants, and other health care professionals.” (“2020 Budget: Investing in the Things That Matter,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/27/19)
PROMISE MADE: Investing In K-12 Education Above And Beyond Inflation.
“On November 6th, the people spoke. They want their teachers paid and their budgets balanced. So, the balanced budget I will present to you on Friday fully funds the priorities we know are important — public safety, child safety, education — above and beyond inflation.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: Arizona Invests $519 Million In K-12 Education Above And Beyond Inflation.
“The plan also fully funds education above and beyond inflation, including fulfilling 20 percent teacher pay raises by 2020, expanding the Arizona Teachers Academy and workforce programs, restoring $136 million in flexible funding for public schools and investing in new school counselors and cops on campus.” (“PASSED: Arizona’s Balanced Budget,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/27/19)
PROMISE MADE: Bolstering School Safety.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “We built a plan that could make a real difference: The Safe Arizona Schools Plan. More cops on campus. More school counselors… We know when a police officer is around, it makes things safer. Who do we call whenever there’s trouble? Our brave men and women in blue. And that’s why we’re including enough dollars to put a cop on every campus that needs one.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: $20 million For More School Counselors And Cops On Campus.
“To protect the health and safety of our kids in school, Arizona’s budget includes a significant investment to hire more school counselors and cops on campus.” (“2020 Budget: Investing in the Things That Matter,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/27/19)
Signed Legislation To Combat Teen Suicide.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “Suicide has become a significant public health issue in the United States. We’ve already lost too many young people to suicide and I’m glad that Arizona is taking action by training the first responders in our schools – our guidance counselors, teachers and administrators – on how to identify the warning signs that lead to suicide.” (“Governor Ducey Signs Bill Combating Teen Suicide,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/08/19)
Signed Legislation To Make School Districts Safer.
Governor Ducey signed legislation that requires school districts to draft policy and procedures to report crimes suspected to threaten the safety of students and school personnel to local law enforcement. (HB 2119, 05/07/19)
PROMISE MADE: Rolling Back Needless Regulations.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “We’ve gotten government out of the way of job creation, cutting red tape and placing a moratorium on new regulations. In fact, we’ve eliminated over 1,000 regulations. Imagine if we took that same approach this legislative session regarding laws. We’re not short on laws here in our state… I’m challenging this legislature: let’s chop the stacks and stacks of statutes down, so that the laws make sense and are relevant to the Arizona of today.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: Signing the Ice Cream Freedom Bill.
“Governor Doug Ducey yesterday signed legislation to remove red tape for local ice cream stores and other businesses that manufacture or distribute ice cream or other milk products and sell them on-site for consumption. Under current Arizona law, mom and pop ice cream shops face regulations meant for larger dairy manufacturers, putting local, from-scratch business models in jeopardy.” (“Governor Ducey Signs Ice Cream Freedom Bill,” Office of Arizona Governor, 04/02/19)
Ensuring Blow Dry Freedom.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “Today is a victory for common sense. It’s ridiculous that government bureaucrats would require 1000 training hours before someone can start a job blow drying hair. This bill ends that foolishness. People deserve the opportunity to work without jumping through needless government hoops. Arizona will continue to be a state that welcomes opportunity.” (“Governor Ducey Signs Blow Dry Freedom Bill,” Office of Arizona Governor, 04/16/19)
PROMISE MADE: Focusing On The Things That Matter.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “Because the state of our state is strong, and it’s getting stronger. The challenge before us is to lay the groundwork today to make sure the Arizona of tomorrow remains strong. Doing so requires action now to do the things that matter and secure Arizona’s future. The issues we need to tackle aren’t partisan ones. In some cases, they aren’t even political.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: Texting While Driving Ban Ensures Safety For Arizona Motorists and Public Safety Officers.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “Too many lives have been lost because of texting and driving. Too many families have needlessly grieved the loss of a loved one due to a preventable tragedy. I called on legislators to provide a solution that will save lives — and I am grateful for their efforts to do just that. This legislation takes important, clear and common sense steps to prevent texting and driving.” (“Governor Ducey Signs Bill Banning Texting While Driving,” Office of Arizona Governor, 04/22/19)
PROMISE MADE: Pay Raises For Our Public Safety Officers.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “Their ultimate sacrifice reminds us of the sacrifices made every day by our heroes in uniform — law enforcement, first responders, correctional officers, our National Guard, and military personnel. We salute you. We are proud of you. And we thank you. We know that to truly secure Arizona’s future, we can’t do it without you. And we pledge to continue to support and invest in you and your families.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: $74 Million To Provide Pay Raises For State Troopers, Correctional Officers, Child Safety Caseworkers And Other Public Safety Personnel.
“This budget invests in the people who keep us safe — delivering pay raises for state troopers, correctional officers, child safety caseworkers and more.” (“2020 Budget: Investing in the Things That Matter,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/27/19)
PROMISE MADE: Reaching Across The Aisle To Achieve Bipartisan Goals.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “Bipartisanship is a word that gets tossed around a lot. And today, it seems everyone has their own definition. So let me be clear on the approach I intend to take. I’m not here just to work with Republicans on Republican ideas. And bipartisanship doesn’t simply mean working with Democrats on Democratic ideas. I’m here as governor of all the people to work with all of you on good ideas.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: 93% Of Bills Passed With Bipartisan Support.
Of the 273 bills signed so far by Governor Ducey this legislative session, a total of 93% of bills passed with bipartisan support.
PROMISE MADE: A Focus On Resources And Results For K-12 Education.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “And more is needed on K-12 education. A focus on results, resources and reforms.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: $30 Million In New Dollars For High-Performing Schools Through Results Based Funding.
“The budget includes $30 million in new dollars for results based funding, which provides incentives and resources for the expansion of high-performing schools. The budget prioritizes additional funding for schools that primarily serve students from low-income families.” (“2020 Budget: Investing in the Things That Matter,” Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/27/19)
PROMISE MADE: Holding The Line On Raising Taxes.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “Arizona weathered the storm. Made tough decisions. Held the line on raising taxes and will continue to hold the line on raising taxes.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: Arizona Passes Most Substantial Tax Reform Since The 1990s.
“The budget plan pays down debt, provides revenue-neutral tax relief to individuals and families and adds $542 million to Arizona’s Rainy Day Fund, bringing it to a record $1 billion.” (“PASSED: Arizona’s Balanced Budget,”Office of the Arizona Governor, 05/27/19)
PROMISE MADE: Making Government More Efficient.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “Well, buckle your seatbelts because there’s going to be a lot more of that as we look to save taxpayer dollars and streamline state government.” (“Governor Ducey Delivers State Of The State Address,”Office Of The Arizona Governor, 01/14/19)
PROMISE KEPT: Combined The Department of Insurance And the Department of Financial Institutions.
GOVERNOR DUCEY: “I signed SB 1469 to consolidate the Arizona Department of Financial Institutions and the Automobile Theft Authority under Arizona Insurance Department. My thanks to Senator David Livingston for leading on this effort in the Legislature and being a strong advocate for more efficient government.” (Twitter, 05/23/19)