Gov. Ricketts Meets with Boys and Girls State Delegates


June 07, 2019

Media Contacts:  

Eric Maher, 402-471-1974

Justin Pinkerman, 402-471-1967

Media Release:

Gov. Ricketts Meets with Boys and Girls State Delegates


Gov. Ricketts Meets with Boys and Girls State Delegates

Governor Ricketts meeting with Girls State representatives at the Nebraska State Capitol.



Gov. Ricketts Meets with Boys and Girls State Delegates

Governor Ricketts at the joint session of the 2019 Girls and Boys State.


LINCOLN – This week, Governor Pete Ricketts met with delegates from the Boys and Girls State programs.  These summer programs, run by the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary, aim to educate Nebraska’s rising high school seniors about the workings of local, state, and federal government.

“Civically-engaged people are the foundation of a healthy republic,” said Governor Ricketts.  “Thank you to the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary for their decades-long commitment to hosting these outstanding opportunities for hundreds of Nebraska high schoolers each year.  The Boys and Girls State programs develop the next generation of Nebraska’s young leaders and provide them with great civic education, setting them on a path to serve and grow our communities.”

Boys and Girls State programs are being held June 2nd – 8th this year on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s campus.  This is the 79th year of the Boys and Girls State programs.  The programs separate the delegates into “cities,” which put forward and elect officials to run events throughout the week.  This gives students a hands-on opportunity to learn the duties of elected officials at various levels of government.  Two delegates are also sent forward to Boys and Girls Nation programs held in Washington, D.C.
