Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens milestone


The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens have experienced their highest visitation on record with its 500,000th visitor walking through the gates today.

The Gardens are a special feature of our capital city, and the second oldest Botanical Garden in the country which recently celebrated its bicentenary.

Housing a number of unique collections and featuring the world’s only Sub-Antarctic Plant House and Tasmanian Native Collection, the Gardens are recognised as Australia’s premier cool climate Botanical Garden.

They also contribute to the conservation of Tasmania’s flora through research programs and the Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre, which is a global project in partnership with the Kew Gardens in the United Kingdom.

As one of the State’s most visited attractions, it’s important there is continual improvement of visitor services and infrastructure to increase engagement and enhance the visitor experience.

That’s why the Hodgman Liberal Government has committed $3.6 million for a new visitor centre at the main point of entry of the Gardens.

Tenders have been advertised today, for the design and construction of the new visitor centre, and it is anticipated that the tender will be awarded in August this year.
