Gov. John Bel Edwards and Origin Materials, a carbon-negative materials company committed to leading the global transition to sustainable materials, announced that the company plans an investment of at least $750 million to develop a biomass manufacturing facility in Ascension Parish that will result in 1,057 new direct and indirect jobs. The plant in Geismar will utilize sustainable wood residue – sourced partly from Louisiana’s timber mills and managed forests – to produce plant-based polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used in packaging, textiles, apparel and other applications. Hydrothermal carbon, which can be used in fuel pellets, also will be produced at the site. Made with renewable feedstocks, Origin’s patented technology platform is designed to reduce the carbon emitted during the production of widely used products ranging from food and beverage containers to parts for the automotive industry. The project will create 200 new direct jobs with an average annual salary of more than $90,000 plus benefits. Louisiana Economic Development estimates an additional 857 indirect jobs will result in Louisiana’s Capital Region. The company estimates 500 construction jobs will result at the peak of development for the new facility. “I welcome Origin Materials’ plans for a new facility in Louisiana,” Gov. John Bel Edwards said. “Their unique process of developing PET products from renewable wood fibers is yet another example of how the global shift toward sustainability can be a catalyst for economic investment and job creation in our state. The company’s carbon-negative mission aligns with our Climate Action Plan’s approach to limiting the severity of climate change while maintaining economic competitiveness in a low-carbon future.” The plant will be located on an LED Certified Site – the 150-acre Parks Geismar site in Ascension Parish – signifying that it has been deemed development-ready after an extensive review. The company expects construction to begin in mid-2023 and for the plant to be mechanically completed and operational by mid-2025. “The demand for ‘net zero’-enabling materials is extremely strong, and we believe this plant will be instrumental in addressing demand for our products in the United States and internationally,” Origin Materials Co-Founder and Co-CEO John Bissell said. “We are grateful for the partnership of Louisiana Economic Development, the Baton Rouge Area Chamber and Ascension Parish for the support they have provided in the site selection process. The local talent is world-class across refining, forestry and agronomy, feedstock logistics and chemicals. The site sits along the Mississippi River with easy access to barge and rail and plentiful local wood residue feedstock. The proposed incentive package for building in the area is compelling and the local industrial cluster can provide access to hydrogen, ethylene, water treatment and more.” Headquartered in West Sacramento, California, Origin Materials was founded in 2008. The company has partnered with leading consumer brands including Danone, Nestlé Waters and PepsiCo in its creation of recyclable, plant-based PET plastic consumer products, as well as Ford Motor Company and global chemical companies. This largest-of-its-kind Geismar-based facility will join the company’s network of locations, including its West Sacramento-based pilot facility and its Ontario, Canada-based production site, which is currently under construction. “As Ascension Parish transitions toward a greener future, we look forward to welcoming Origin Materials to our business community,” said Ascension Parish President Clint Cointment. “This project is significant in an emerging bio-based chemical market as well as an investment in our local labor force.” To secure the project, the State of Louisiana is offering Origin Materials a competitive incentive package that includes the services of LED FastStart, ranked the No. 1 statewide workforce development program in the nation for the past 12 years. Additionally, the company would be eligible for a $6 million performance-based award to be paid out over six years, to reimburse site infrastructure costs. The company is also expected to utilize the state’s Quality Jobs and Industrial Tax Exemption programs. “This project points to a future of transformational changes in the manufacturing of chemicals and plastics,” Baton Rouge Area Chamber President and CEO Adam Knapp said. “Origin Materials’ decision to locate its largest plant-based plastics operation here speaks to our region’s continued advantages for workforce and supply chain, even as technologies change for the future. AEDC and LED have been excellent partners in their work to support the company’s decision to locate in the Capital Region.”
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全省开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育工作会议在广州召开深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 高质量推进主题教育确保取得扎实成效李希杜德印马兴瑞李玉妹王荣王伟中等出席
6月2日,全省开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育工作会议在广州召开。会议深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,认真贯彻落实习近平总书记在“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育工作会议上的重要讲话精神和党中央决策部署,对全省开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育进行动员部署。省委书记李希作动员讲话,中央第九指导组组长杜德印出席会议并讲话,省长马兴瑞主持会议,省人大常委会主任李玉妹,省政协主席王荣,省委副书记、深圳市委书记王伟中出席会议。 李希指出,习近平总书记在“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育工作会议上的重要讲话,深刻阐述了中国共产党人的初心和使命,深刻阐明了开展主题教育的重大意义、目标要求和重点措施,为开展主题教育指明了努力方向、提供了根本遵循。我们要深刻认识开展主题教育的重大意义,切实把思想和行动统一到习近平总书记重要讲话精神和党中央决策部署上来,不断增强思想自觉、政治自觉、行动自觉,扎扎实实组织好开展好主题教育。 李希强调,要准确把握目标要求,高质量推进主题教育各项工作。一要把总要求贯穿主题教育始终,在守初心中铸忠诚,在担使命中显风骨,在找差距中补短板,在抓落实中见成效,奋力把我省改革发展稳定各项事业不断推向前进。二要牢牢把握好主题教育的目标任务,围绕深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想根本任务,把自己摆进去、把职责摆进去、把工作摆进去,做到理论学习有收获、思想政治受洗礼、干事创业敢担当、为民服务解难题、清正廉洁作表率。三要抓紧抓实各项重点措施,精准对表习近平总书记重要指示要求和党中央部署安排,坚持问题导向,深化学习教育,深入调查研究,全面检视问题,狠抓整改落实,切实解决好本地本部门本单位存在的突出问题和群众反映强烈的热点难点问题,促进粤港澳大湾区建设、建设科技创新强省、实施乡村振兴战略、构建“一核一带一区”区域发展格局、打赢三大攻坚战、防范化解重大风险挑战等各项工作落实,确保主题教育取得扎实成效。 李希强调,各地各部门各单位党委(党组)要把主题教育作为一项重大政治任务摆在突出位置,加强组织领导,认真抓好落实。一要落实第一责任人职责,各级党委(党组)认真抓好本地本部门本单位主题教育,主要领导同志切实履行第一责任人责任。二要分类有序推进,抓紧制定实施方案,合理安排工作重点和进度,确保衔接紧凑、推进有序。三要加强督促指导,贯彻落实好中央指导组的意见要求,省指导组要坚持原则、扎实工作,被指导单位要积极配合支持,有力保障主题教育深入开展。四要发挥宣传舆论引导作用,创新方式方法,强化舆论监督,汇聚主题教育正能量。五要坚持两手抓两促进,把开展主题教育同落实党中央决策部署及省委“1+1+9”工作部署、完成改革发展稳定各项任务结合起来,使主题教育每项措施都紧贴中心工作、服务大局。六要力戒形式主义、官僚主义,注重实际效果,解决实质问题,以好的作风开展好主题教育。 杜德印强调,要聚焦根本任务抓落实,把深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想这一根本任务作为最突出的主线,落实到主题教育全过程各方面。要把握“十二字”总要求抓落实,教育引导党员干部在学习教育、检视问题中悟初心、守初心,在整改落实中勇作为、践使命,把主题教育与贯彻落实党中央的决策部署结合起来,为做好当前改革发展稳定各项工作、完成中心任务提供强大动力。要紧扣“五句话”目标抓好落实,着力解决突出问题,不断增强群众获得感、幸福感、安全感。要坚持四个“贯穿始终”抓好落实,把学和做结合起来、把查和改贯通起来,以思想自觉引领行动自觉,以行动自觉深化思想自觉。要力戒形式主义抓好落实,坚持问题导向,坚持务求实效,以好的作风确保主题教育取得好的效果。 马兴瑞强调,全省各地各部门要切实把思想和行动统一到习近平总书记重要讲话精神和党中央的决策部署上来,把开展主题教育作为当前和今后一个时期重大政治任务抓好抓实。要按照这次会议的部署,因地制宜、科学制定符合本地本单位实际的实施方案,统筹推进学习教育、调查研究、检视问题、整改落实各方面工作,确保主题教育起点高、措施实、效果好。要坚持把开展主题教育同推动工作结合起来,切实把开展主题教育取得的成效转化为奋发有为、奋勇争先的实践,努力开创广东工作新局面。 会议以电视电话会议形式开至各地级以上市和各县(市、区),在省主会场参加会议的有:省委、省人大常委会、省政府、省政协领导同志,中央指导组负责同志,省委各部委,省直各单位党组(党委)、省各人民团体党组主要负责同志及分管负责同志,在广州地区的省管高校党委主要负责同志,中直驻粤有关单位党组(党委)主要负责同志,广州、深圳市有关负责同志,省委“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育领导小组其他成员,省委主题教育巡回指导组各组组长、副组长等共500多人。
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