Gov. John Bel Edwards and Origin Materials, a carbon-negative materials company committed to leading the global transition to sustainable materials, announced that the company plans an investment of at least $750 million to develop a biomass manufacturing facility in Ascension Parish that will result in 1,057 new direct and indirect jobs. The plant in Geismar will utilize sustainable wood residue – sourced partly from Louisiana’s timber mills and managed forests – to produce plant-based polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used in packaging, textiles, apparel and other applications. Hydrothermal carbon, which can be used in fuel pellets, also will be produced at the site. Made with renewable feedstocks, Origin’s patented technology platform is designed to reduce the carbon emitted during the production of widely used products ranging from food and beverage containers to parts for the automotive industry. The project will create 200 new direct jobs with an average annual salary of more than $90,000 plus benefits. Louisiana Economic Development estimates an additional 857 indirect jobs will result in Louisiana’s Capital Region. The company estimates 500 construction jobs will result at the peak of development for the new facility. “I welcome Origin Materials’ plans for a new facility in Louisiana,” Gov. John Bel Edwards said. “Their unique process of developing PET products from renewable wood fibers is yet another example of how the global shift toward sustainability can be a catalyst for economic investment and job creation in our state. The company’s carbon-negative mission aligns with our Climate Action Plan’s approach to limiting the severity of climate change while maintaining economic competitiveness in a low-carbon future.” The plant will be located on an LED Certified Site – the 150-acre Parks Geismar site in Ascension Parish – signifying that it has been deemed development-ready after an extensive review. The company expects construction to begin in mid-2023 and for the plant to be mechanically completed and operational by mid-2025. “The demand for ‘net zero’-enabling materials is extremely strong, and we believe this plant will be instrumental in addressing demand for our products in the United States and internationally,” Origin Materials Co-Founder and Co-CEO John Bissell said. “We are grateful for the partnership of Louisiana Economic Development, the Baton Rouge Area Chamber and Ascension Parish for the support they have provided in the site selection process. The local talent is world-class across refining, forestry and agronomy, feedstock logistics and chemicals. The site sits along the Mississippi River with easy access to barge and rail and plentiful local wood residue feedstock. The proposed incentive package for building in the area is compelling and the local industrial cluster can provide access to hydrogen, ethylene, water treatment and more.” Headquartered in West Sacramento, California, Origin Materials was founded in 2008. The company has partnered with leading consumer brands including Danone, Nestlé Waters and PepsiCo in its creation of recyclable, plant-based PET plastic consumer products, as well as Ford Motor Company and global chemical companies. This largest-of-its-kind Geismar-based facility will join the company’s network of locations, including its West Sacramento-based pilot facility and its Ontario, Canada-based production site, which is currently under construction. “As Ascension Parish transitions toward a greener future, we look forward to welcoming Origin Materials to our business community,” said Ascension Parish President Clint Cointment. “This project is significant in an emerging bio-based chemical market as well as an investment in our local labor force.” To secure the project, the State of Louisiana is offering Origin Materials a competitive incentive package that includes the services of LED FastStart, ranked the No. 1 statewide workforce development program in the nation for the past 12 years. Additionally, the company would be eligible for a $6 million performance-based award to be paid out over six years, to reimburse site infrastructure costs. The company is also expected to utilize the state’s Quality Jobs and Industrial Tax Exemption programs. “This project points to a future of transformational changes in the manufacturing of chemicals and plastics,” Baton Rouge Area Chamber President and CEO Adam Knapp said. “Origin Materials’ decision to locate its largest plant-based plastics operation here speaks to our region’s continued advantages for workforce and supply chain, even as technologies change for the future. AEDC and LED have been excellent partners in their work to support the company’s decision to locate in the Capital Region.”
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追根溯源守初心 感恩奋进担使命
6月3日,省委书记刘奇、省长易炼红等省领导集体来到中央红军长征出发纪念碑前,重温入党誓词,不忘初心,牢记使命,坚决走好新时代长征路。(林 君 摄)追根溯源不忘来时的路,感恩奋进坚定前行的路。6月3日,省委书记刘奇、省长易炼红率省四套班子成员和省法院、省检察院主要负责同志,来到瑞金、于都瞻仰革命旧址,缅怀革命先烈,重温入党誓词,开展革命传统教育,接受思想政治洗礼,进一步强化学习贯彻习近平总书记视察江西时重要讲话精神的坚定性自觉性,强化扎实开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育的主动性积极性。古樟葱茏、松柏挺拔,蓝天骄阳之下,瑞金叶坪红军烈士纪念塔巍峨耸立。刘奇、易炼红等省领导缓步来到纪念塔前,向革命烈士敬献花篮。刘奇上前整理红色缎带,上面鲜红的“革命烈士永垂不朽”八个大字熠熠生辉,寄托着全省党员群众对革命烈士的无限哀思。大家向纪念塔三鞠躬,神情肃穆而又坚定。随后,刘奇、易炼红等省领导瞻仰了“一苏大”“二苏大”会址,参观了中华苏维埃代表大会制度史陈列馆,在一件件展陈、一段段讲解中,感悟那段艰苦卓绝的峥嵘岁月。刘奇深情地说,来到这里,面对死难的革命先烈,追寻前赴后继的革命事业,我们就能更加深刻认识红色政权来之不易、新中国来之不易、中国特色社会主义来之不易。追根溯源,我们要更加自觉地守初心、担使命,更加树牢“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、坚决做到“两个维护”,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,不断进行伟大斗争、建设伟大工程、推进伟大事业,奋力实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦。以百姓心为心,与人民同呼吸、共命运、心连心,是党的初心,也是党的恒心。刘奇、易炼红等省领导来到瑞金一处处革命旧址,从一个个红色故事中,在一件件红色文物中,感悟初心、坚定恒心。在叶坪毛泽东同志旧居,讲解员生动地讲起毛泽东同志为谢大娘锯楼板、装明瓦的感人往事。在沙洲坝红井旁,刘奇、易炼红等省领导舀上一瓢甘泉细细品味,听一段耳熟能详的红井故事,感受红井的隽永内涵。刘奇指出,这些红色历史深刻启示我们,群众路线是我们党战无不胜的法宝。我们要时刻把人民群众放在心中最高位置,保持与人民群众的血肉联系,切实把群众观点、群众路线深深植根于思想中、具体落实到行动上,努力让老区人民过上更加幸福的美好生活。革命理想高于天。在瑞金市叶坪乡华屋村的后山上有17棵烈士“信念树”。上世纪30年代初,村里17名青壮年参加红军前夕,每人在后山栽下一棵象征革命长盛长青的松树。青松依旧在,不见儿郎归,华屋人年年在树前凭吊烈士英灵。刘奇、易炼红等省领导拾级登上华屋村后山,在一棵棵“信念树”前驻足、缅怀。他们来到山顶的红军烈士亭,向纪念碑敬献鲜花。现场,瑞金市委党校的老师给省领导们讲起了以《永恒的信念》为题的党课。告别亲人慷慨赴死、血溅沙场无我牺牲、世代传承永恒信念……深情的讲述回荡在林中,给人以心灵的震撼和感动。刘奇说,江西是一片充满红色记忆的红土地,处处彰显着信仰的力量。我们传承红色基因,最重要的是弘扬井冈山精神、苏区精神,从革命先辈的丰功伟绩中汲取强大的信仰力量,敢于斗争、善于斗争,沉着应对一系列重大挑战、重大风险、重大阻力、重大矛盾的艰巨考验,奋力夺取具有新的历史特点的伟大斗争的新胜利。于都河畔,中央红军长征出发纪念碑如帆而扬。刘奇、易炼红等省领导循着习近平总书记视察江西的足迹,来到这里重温总书记谆谆教导,牢记总书记殷殷嘱托。纪念碑前,鲜艳的党旗迎风猎猎。刘奇率领大家昂首而立,庄严地举起右手,重温入党誓词。“我志愿加入中国共产党,拥护党的纲领,遵守党的章程……”铿锵的话语,是信仰的力量,是奋斗的宣言。长征渡口,一段浮桥漂立河中,镌刻下历史的记忆。河对岸的大堤上,鲜花绿草摆出的“长征精神永放光芒”几个大字格外醒目。刘奇、易炼红等省领导立于渡口,听讲解员现场讲解80多年前红军渡河开启长征伟大征程的激壮往事。随后,他们来到中央红军长征出发纪念馆,倾听历史的回响,追寻红色的记忆。看到有红星小讲解员在现场讲解,刘奇很是欣慰,给他们鼓掌点赞,勉励他们讲解好红军故事,继承好革命传统,让红色基因代代相传。瞻仰中,刘奇强调,江西这片红土圣地,承载着中国共产党人的初心和使命。工作在这片红土圣地的每一位党员干部,都要不忘历史、不忘初心,以强烈的责任和使命让老区人民过上更加幸福美好的生活,以更大的成绩告慰革命先烈。我们要以习近平总书记视察江西为强大动力,深入学习贯彻总书记重要讲话精神,扎实开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育,大力传承红色基因,发扬优良传统,坚决走好新时代长征路,奋力开启建设富裕美丽幸福现代化江西新征程,齐心协力描绘好新时代江西改革发展新画卷。
Gov. Ricketts Announces Appointments to Boards and Commissions
June 04, 2019Media Contacts:
Eric Maher, 402-471-1974
Taylor Gage, 402-471-1970 Media Release:
Gov. Ricketts Announces Appointments to Boards and Commissions
LINCOLN – Today, Governor Pete Ricketts announced...
Inslee and Ferguson statement on Trump Administration actions to undercut nuclear cleanup at Hanford
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