Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to Hold Virtual Delaware Public Hearing on Striped Bass Management Plan


Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to Hold Virtual Delaware Public Hearing on Striped Bass Management Plan

The Atlantic Striped Bass Fisheries Management Plan is the topic of March 10 virtual public hearing for Delaware by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Graphic credit: Duane Raver for DNREC.


The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) will hold a virtual public hearing for Delaware regarding Draft Amendment 7 to the Atlantic Striped Bass management plan on Thursday, March 10 from 6-8 p.m., the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control announced today. Atlantic coastal states from Maine through Virginia have scheduled hearings to gather public input on the proposed changes to striped bass management through the draft amendment.

Draft Amendment 7 proposes options to address the following issues: management triggers – population indicators that require the ASMFC to take management action, recreational release mortality, stock rebuilding plan and conservation equivalency, which allows states to develop their own measures that equal measures required by the ASMFC’s fisheries management plan. These issues were identified during the public scoping process for Amendment 7 as important to helping rebuild the Atlantic striped bass stock and updating the management program.

To register for the virtual public hearing and for more information about providing input during the hearing, visit the ASMFC website.

The commission will also post a recording of the hearing presentation on the ASMFC’s YouTube page so that stakeholders may watch the presentation and submit comment at any time during the comment period, which runs until11:59 p.m. EDT April 15, 2022. The recording of the presentation will be available prior to the hearing.

Draft Amendment 7 is available on the the ASMFC website. Public comments should be sent to Emilie Franke, FMP Coordinator, at 1050 N. Highland St., Suite 200 A-N, Arlington, Virginia 22201; faxed to 703-842-0741, or emailed to (with “Draft Amendment 7” in the subject line).

Any Delaware interest group planning to release an action alert during the comment period in response to Draft Amendment 7 is asked to email Emilie Franke at, or call 703-842-0740 for guidance on how best to organize and summarize incoming comments for ASMFC Board review.
