Delivering a comprehensive traffic incident response plan for Hobart


The Hodgman Liberal Government understands reliable travel time is a major concern for commuters in Hobart.

This is why we have a strong plan to deliver a range of initiatives to help you get where you need to be on time.

Responding quickly and effectively to traffic incidents plays a key role in improving travel time.

That’s why we are implementing a comprehensive Traffic Incident Response plan for Hobart as part of a $71.98 million for our Greater Hobart Traffic Solution policy commitment outlined in the 2019-20 Budget.

We already have a number of initiatives underway, including a real-time traffic management system, which provides better information to traffic managers and road users.

The detection system has been installed and is already being trialled as a reporting tool for peak traffic times. Once fully implemented, it will provide incident detection and travel time information. In future, road users will be able to access this information through a smart phone app to better plan their journey, as well as in real-time through variable message board signage on arterial routes, which will also be used to direct motorists away from incidents.

As part of our broader traffic incident management focus, Incident Response Plans have been developed to enable us to deal more immediately with a range of scenarios that might occur across the transport network. Extensive scenario mapping has already been done on a block by block basis and this work will be used to direct traffic flow when incidents such as crashes and breakdowns occur.

The Morrison Liberal Government recently committed $10 million to this project, which will support substantially improved traffic surveillance systems, better channels to make information available to commuters, and an upgraded tidal flow lane management system on the Tasman Bridge.

We already have tow trucks stationed near the Tasman Bridge at peak hours and the hours of operation of this service will soon be extended to provide greater capacity to immediately respond to incidents on the bridge.

A similar service will be rolled out over the coming financial year to respond to incidents during the morning and afternoon peaks on the Southern Outlet, Macquarie and Davey Streets, Brooker Highway, Domain Highway, Tasman Highway and East Derwent Highway.

These tow trucks will also be used to remove vehicles from clearways on Macquarie and Davey Streets in the morning and afternoon peak periods to make traffic flow through the city more reliable.

Continuing to build an efficient and effective transport network for Hobart is a key priority and our comprehensive traffic incident response plan, utilising leading traffic management technology, is part of our broader commitment to maintaining Hobart’s liveability.
