Major Trans-Canada improvements to boost trade and support safe efficient travels in and around Langley


Investing in transportation infrastructure is critical to connecting communities, helping businesses compete and creating a strong economy and middle class.

Today, François-Philippe Champagne, federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia, and Jack Froese, mayor of Langley, announced $235.5 million in joint funding for upgrades to Highway 1 in Langley.

Work involves widening a total of ten kilometres between 216th Street and 264th Street by adding a new high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane in each direction, reconfiguring the 232nd Street interchange and adding a new underpass at Glover Road and the CP Rail crossing. A new truck parking lot will also be added near Highways 1 and 17 for up to 150 commercial trucks and up to 45 passenger vehicles.

A key link to the port of Metro Vancouver and the U.S. border, this stretch of Highway 1 handles close to 9,000 commercial trucks per day. These vital upgrades will not only improve safety and efficiency along this key route, but boost trade and support economic prosperity for the region by accommodating a greater number of vehicles.

The Government of Canada is contributing up to $108,963,550 to this project through the New Building Canada Fund, while the Government of British Columbia is providing $99,429,217 and the Township of Langley is providing up to $27,133,333.


François-Philippe Champagne, federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities —

“These improvements to Highway 1 in Langley will make it easier for businesses to get their products to customers, reduce pollution, and allow residents to spend less time in traffic and more time with their families. Together with our provincial and municipal partners we’re investing in projects to improve the daily lives of British Columbians now and lay the foundation for a bright prosperous future.”

John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia —

“This investment along Highway 1 is part of our government’s commitment to improve transportation networks across our province. By working on solutions for traffic gridlock, we are helping to alleviate congestion, improve transit times and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

Jack Froese, mayor of Langley —

“Widening Highway 1 east of 216 Street and adding HOV lanes will help ease congestion, support our transportation network, and make it safer and easier for people and goods to move throughout our busy, growing region. The Township is pleased to see these vital infrastructure improvements that will enhance livability in the Fraser Valley, and is proud to be a funding partner of this important project, along with the Government of Canada and the Province of B.C.”

Quick Facts:

  • Budget 2019, Investing in the Middle Class, is the federal government’s plan to create more well-paying jobs, put home ownership within reach for more Canadians, help working people get the training they need to succeed, support seniors and lay the foundation for national pharmacare.
  • With many municipalities across Canada facing serious infrastructure deficits, Budget 2019 includes a one-time top-up of $2.2 billion to the federal Gas Tax Fund to help address short-term priorities in municipalities and First Nations communities.
  • Budget 2019 builds on the Investing in Canada Plan, under which the Government of Canada is investing more than $180 billion over 12 years in community infrastructure across the country. 
  • More than $10.1 billion of this funding is supporting trade and transportation projects, including $5 billion available for investment through the Canada Infrastructure Bank.

Budget 2019:

Investing in Canada Plan Project Map:

Federal infrastructure investments in British Columbia:

Investing in Canada: Canada’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan:

Infrastructure Canada:
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