Operation NANOOK-TATIGIIT provides opportunity to practise emergency response


From May 27 to June 7, the Government of Yukon, the City of Whitehorse as well as other organizations and agencies will participate in Operation NANOOK-TATIGIIT 2019 with the Canadian Armed Forces. Operation NANOOK is an annual event that rotates between Canada’s three territories.

This important event will provide Yukon with the opportunity to test and improve its emergency preparedness. The first week will consist of briefings and tabletop exercises, providing an opportunity for joint planning and skill sharing between local, territorial and federal emergency management partners.

The second week will feature a simulated wildland/urban interface fire scenario and simulated evacuation of the Cowley Creek and Mary Lake subdivisions. A reception centre and health clinic will be set up in the Canada Games Centre for the simulated evacuation. The exercise will also include public health and search and rescue elements.

The City of Whitehorse, the Village of Teslin and the Teslin Tlingit Council will exercise their emergency readiness as part of the wildfire scenario, setting up their emergency measures organization and coordinating with territorial and federal authorities.

Emergency preparedness and wildland fires is an urgent concern for Yukoners and government. We are very happy to have this trial exercise so that we can work through our systems and learn how we can be even better prepared for an emergency. By working together we can plan and prepare to keep Yukoners safe.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

This exercise is a great opportunity for us to practise our emergency plans on a large scale, and to strengthen our existing relationships and partnerships with emergency response agencies.

City of Whitehorse Mayor Dan Curtis

Joint Task Force (North) is proud to be working along with the Government of Yukon and northern partners to strengthen emergency response and capabilities during Operation NANOOK-TATIGIIT 2019 in Whitehorse, Yukon. This year’s activity focuses on a safety exercise based on a community evacuation from a wildfire which will put us in a great position when supporting the safety and security of the North. Operation NANOOK-TATIGIIT 2019 continues to highlight Joint Task Force (North)’s tradition of working with northern partners in Canada’s austere Arctic environment.

Commander of Joint Task Force (North) Brigadier-General Patrick Carpentier

Quick Facts 

  • Operation NANOOK-TATIGIIT 2019 will feature a wildland urban interface fire scenario that will be conducted in the Whitehorse area.

  • The event was last hosted in Yukon in 2016 and 2013.


Lisa Bucher
Cabinet Communications

Maxim Naylor
Communications, Community Services

Tammy Audet
Senior Public Affairs Officer, Joint Task Force (North)
867-873-0700 x 6056

Myles Dolphin
Strategic Communications Manager, City of Whitehorse

News release #: 


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Emergency updates
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