Crop Report For The Period May 21 To May 27, 2019


Released on May 30, 2019

Seeding of the 2019 crop is nearing completion, with the majority of the crop being planted this month.  Ninety-two per cent of the crop is now seeded, up from 73 per cent last week and well ahead of the five-year average (2014-18) of 83 per cent for this time of year.

The southwest region is the most advanced, with 96 per cent of the crop in the ground.  Ninety-four per cent is seeded in the southeast, 91 per cent of the crop is seeded in the east central region, 92 per cent in the west central region, 90 per cent in the north east and 87 per cent in the north west.

Rainfall was reported this past week throughout the province, ranging from trace amounts to 75 mm in a localized area near Turtleford.  Topsoil moisture conditions continue to deteriorate across the province due to strong winds and a lack of moisture.  Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 32 per cent adequate, 48 per cent short and 20 per cent very short.  Topsoil moisture on hay land and pasture is rated as 25 per cent adequate, 47 per cent short and 28 per cent very short.

Crop Report For The Period May 21 To May 27, 2019

Significant rain is still needed across the province to help crops emerge and for hay land and pasture to establish.  Hay and pasture growth has been slow due to little rainfall.  Provincially, pasture conditions are rated as 17 per cent good, 37 per cent fair, 32 per cent poor and 14 per cent very poor.  Crop growth is delayed in much of the province, and most crops are behind their normal developmental stages for this time of year.

The majority of crop damage this past week was due to lack of moisture, frost, strong winds, hail, and insects such as flea beetles and cutworms.

Farmers are completing seeding operations and starting in-crop pesticide applications.

A complete, printable version of the Crop Report is available online at

Follow the 2019 Crop Report on Twitter at @SKAgriculture.


For more information, contact:

Cory Jacob
Moose Jaw
Phone: 306-694-3587
