International Women’s Day 2019


International Women's Day 2019

The Governor and Mr Howard celebrate International Women’s Day by attending a variety of functions focussing on creating a more balanced world.

The Governor attended several functions to celebrate International Women’s Day in 2019, including lunches hosted by the National Ageing Research Institute, and by Change Our Game International.

Both of these functions served to highlight the importance of the women in fields traditionally thought of as being the domain of men – sport and scientific research. With the theme for International Women’s Day in 2019 being ‘Balance for Better’ and focus on creating a more balanced world, these two functions particularly highlight the important role that women play in many and varied fields.

The Governor and Mr Howard also hosted a morning tea at Government House for students of Dessau House from Wesley College, where the Governor spoke about her desire to see the young men and women of today grow up to enact the changes in society we are talking about and working towards.

These events highlight the ongoing commitment of the Governor and Mr Howard helping to support organisations which champion the role of women and girls in society and breaking down the barriers for them to participate in educational, vocational or sporting fields.

During the visit to Victoria last year by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, one of the centrepieces of their visit to Government House was a sporting display on the West Lawn of the This Girl Can campaign by Vic Health, putting a focus on the importance of girls and women from all walks of life to have the opportunity to participate in sport and an active lifestyle.

The Governor and Mr Howard are great advocates of all organisations which are working towards a world that is balanced and fair, and where girls are given the same opportunities as boys to develop to the best of their potential.

Read an interview with the Governor given for International Women’s Day, published on the Victorian Connection here.

To read speeches given by the Governor click here.
