Government Of Saskatchewan Files Notice Of Carbon Tax Appeal To Supreme Court Of Canada


Released on May 31, 2019

Today, Justice Minister and Attorney General Don Morgan announced that the Government of Saskatchewan has officially filed notice of appeal with the Supreme Court of Canada.

The questions being asked of the Supreme Court of Canada are:

  1. Is the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act unconstitutional in whole or in part?
  2. In particular, does Parliament have jurisdiction to establish minimum national standards for price stringency for greenhouse gas emissions under the national concern branch of the peace, order and good government power set out in the opening words of section 91 of the Constitution Act, 1867?

“Our government will continue to stand up for Saskatchewan people against what we believe is an unconstitutional tax on their families, communities and businesses,” Morgan said.  “Saskatchewan’s Constitutional Law Branch filed a notice of appeal with the Supreme Court of Canada that will see our case against the carbon tax taken to the highest court of our nation.”

The Government of Saskatchewan now has a two-month window to file the province’s factum to the Supreme Court of Canada.


For more information, contact:

Jim Billington
Executive Council
Phone: 306-787-0425
