GNWT Announces 2019-20 Healthy Choices Fund Recipients


Glen Abernethy, Minister of Health and Social Services announced this year’s recipients of $400,000 to support health promotion and prevention activities Through the Healthy Choices Fund. Twelve eligible organizations and community governments received funding to help maximize the impact of health promotion and prevention activities that support individuals, families, and communities in making healthy lifestyle choices.

 Some of this year’s successful proposals include:

  • providing tools for men in the Kas’ho Got’ine Men’s Transition Home to help them make healthy lifestyle choices;
  • integrating health, healing and wellness through the Sahtu’ot’ine Nats’eju Initiative on Reconnecting with Ourselves;
  • providing health and wellness programs for immigrant women and children; and
  • teaching youth leadership, life and emotional resiliency skills through Tides Canada’s Land to Life: Northern Youth Wellness Initiative.

The Healthy Choices Fund  is one way that the Government of the Northwest Territories’ is  fostering healthy families and communities by focusing on wellness, prevention, and improved nutrition.

 “Our government understands the value of supporting community lead initiatives to help get our residents informed and making healthier lifestyle choices in ways that resonate with them. The Healthy Choices Fund makes projects like Learning and Eating Together at the Kas’ho Got’ine Men’s Transition Home, and Edenats’edi: Reconnecting with Ourselves by the Sahtu’ot’ine Nats’eju Initiative, possible and be successful.

 – Glen Abernethy, Minister of Health and Social Services

Quick Facts:

  • Annual funding of $400,000, with a minimum of $10,000 and a maximum of $75,000 per fiscal year.
  • Objectives of the Healthy Choices Fund include:
    • Supporting the vision of healthy, educated individuals, families and communities in the Northwest Territories;
    • Increasing awareness of healthy choices;
    • Focusing on youth;
    • Encouraging community participation, promote partnerships; and,
    • Enabling residents to participate in healthy choices through the community environment and available resources.
  • To access the fund, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
    • Provide a tangible service or support at the community, regional or territorial level;
    • Demonstrate the potential to improve health outcomes for residents in a tangible and measurable fashion;
    • Propose activities that link to existing community or regional based programs;
    • Showcase the ability to develop meaningful partnerships with other organizations and support an integrated approach in promoting healthy choices; and,
    • Be located in the Northwest Territories.
  • Eligible applicants are:
    • Indigenous governments in the Northwest Territories recognized by the Department of Executive and Indigenous Affairs;
    • Community governing authorities (Band Council, Metis Local, Charter Community or municipal council);
    • Non-government organizations that can demonstrate partnership or support from an Indigenous or community governing authority; and,
    • The Health and Social Services Authorities. 

Related Links:

  • Healthy Choices Fund

Media Contact:

Damien Healy
Manager of Communications
Department of Health and Social Services
Government of the Northwest Territories
1-867-767-9052 ext. 49034


GNWT Announces 2019-20 Healthy Choices Fund Recipients

