Saskatchewan Agri-Food Products To Be Showcased On Mission To Japan And South Korea


Released on June 4, 2019

Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison will be highlighting Saskatchewan’s high-quality agri-food products in Japan and South Korea as part of a trade mission led by federal Minister of International Trade Diversification James Carr.  The mission delegation also includes Alberta’s Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Tanya Fir, as well as a number of agriculture producer groups.

“With Asian markets continuing to import more food every year, it is crucial we promote the safe, reliable and high-quality agri-food products Saskatchewan has to offer,” Harrison said.  “Japan and South Korea remain two of Saskatchewan’s most important and valued customers and it is important we strengthen those relationships.”

The delegation will be meeting with industry officials to promote opportunities for trade and investment, and to encourage food processing and agriculture companies to purchase additional agricultural products from Canadian and Saskatchewan suppliers.

Japan is Saskatchewan’s third-largest export market.  In 2018, the province’s exports to Japan were valued at $1.13 billion, and more than 99 per cent of those exports were agri-food products, including canola seed, non-durum wheat, durum and barley.

Saskatchewan exports to South Korea were valued at more than $117 million in 2018, with key exports including canola oil, wheat, malt and oats.


For more information, contact:

Lauren Golosky
Trade and Export Development
Phone: 306-787-4765
