Wally Schumann – Introduction of the NWT Manufacturing Strategy


Mr. Speaker, the Government of the Northwest Territories made a mandate commitment to develop a northern manufacturing strategy in collaboration with industry and the NWT’s Manufacturers Association.

I am pleased today to table the Northwest Territories Manufacturing Strategy for diversifying our economy.  The Strategy was developed with extensive input from the public, Chambers of Commerce, businesses and, most importantly, the NWT Manufacturers Association.

In a thorough engagement campaign, stakeholders from every region of the NWT contributed feedback which our staff considered and included throughout this Strategy. We took a very collaborative approach that included MLAs, and I would like to thank the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment for sending two representatives, the Member for Yellowknife North and the Member for Hay River North, to participate in one of our key engagement sessions with the NWT Manufacturers Association this past November. 

Mr. Speaker, the Strategy defines a series of actions to enhance and grow this high potential sector of our economy.

These actions address four key objectives:

  • Establishing a strong manufacturing association and sector;
  • improving manufacturer access to information, services and capital;
  • renewing the Northern Manufactured Products Policy; and
  • growing the manufacturing sector.

17 actions under these four objectives will be implemented over the next five years in partnership with the NWT Manufacturers Association.

The intent is to achieve some ambitious results as we put this Strategy into action. We’re aiming for an increase in manufacturing sales of 25 percent in the first three years. Within five years, we want to see a further 25 percent increase in sales and improve labour participation in the sector. Essential to the success of this Strategy will be the continued partnership of our Manufacturers Association.  To that end, we’re bringing them into the implementation process on an ongoing basis. We’ve committed to reviewing this Strategy annually with the stakeholders we aim to support, and adjusting our path as required to meet the evolving needs of this sector.

Mr. Speaker, this is just the latest follow-up to our Economic Opportunities Strategy, the document defining how we’ve approached economic diversification over the last five years. It joins our commercial fishing revitalization, agriculture, and film strategies in setting out sector-specific plans to address our economic priorities beyond the resource industries.

This Strategy is just one way we’ve supported a stronger manufacturing sector throughout this Legislative Assembly. We’re in the midst of building a fish processing plant to support a revitalized commercial fishing industry. And we finalized changes to our Diamond Policy Framework, opening the door for creative diamond manufacturing operations to grow our territory’s economy.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  
