December 25 , 2024

When a child is missing: Remembering Tiahleigh – A report into Queensland’s children missing...

The Queensland Government welcomes the Queensland Family and Child Commission’s report When a child is missing: Remembering Tiahleigh — A report into Queensland’s children...

Queensland Parole System Review

The Queensland Parole system is being independently reviewed to determine if this fundamental element of the corrective services system is operating effectively to support...

Whitsunday Community Cabinet

The Whitsunday Community Cabinet held on Sunday, October 23 in Proserpine was the latest chance for the Queensland community to speak directly...

Media Statements – McGowan Government and Lotterywest continue to support victims of Stolen Generation

Lotterywest grant of $310,000 to Bringing Them Home Inc to support healing initiativesThe Yokai project is a collaboration between Bringing Them Home WA Inc...

Media Statements – Successful Aboriginal Rangers Program and new tourism experiences mark National Reconciliation...

New tours run by local Aboriginal businesses have commenced in Kings Park$20 million Aboriginal Rangers Program continues into Round 2 across WARound 1 of...

Media Statements – Mobile coverage boost in remote tourism destinations and communities

McGowan Government and Optus partner to deliver 4G mobile and data coverage in 11 remote locations throughout the StateCo-investment to boost regional tourism, businesses...

Saturday 1 June 2019

In the morning at Oatlands, the Governor of Tasmania, Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, accompanied by Mr Warner, delivered an address to officially open...

Thursday 16 May 2019

In the evening the Governor of Tasmania, Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, and Mr Warner hosted a reception to mark the 2019 Sweet Adelines...

Friday 17 May 2019

MorningIn the morning the Governor of Tasmania, Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, received the Clerk of the Executive Council. ...

Sunday 19 May 2019

In the afternoon at The Farrall Centre, The Friends’ School, North Hobart the Governor of Tasmania, Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, and Mr Warner...


Commission permanente du 13 mai 2019

La Commission Permanente de la Région Normandie s’est rassemblée lundi 13 mai 2019, à Caen, sous la présidence d’Hervé Morin, pour examiner plus de...


5月28日凌晨2点,随着苏鲁省界的台儿庄泵站最后一台机组停止运行,江苏南水北调工程第6个年度向省外调水任务圆满完成。江苏南水北调工程自2013年通水以来,已连续6年执行向山东省调水任务,累计调水40.04亿立方米,为山东水生态文明建设和经济社会可持续发展作出积极贡献。根据水利部印发的南水北调东线一期工程2018-2019年度水量调度计划和江苏省委、省政府批准的年度向山东调水组织实施方案,江苏南水北调工程按照南水北调新建工程和江水北调工程统一调度、联合运行的原则,自去年12月25日起,启动年度调水工作。在省有关部门和沿线地方各级政府的共同努力下,截至今年5月28日,向山东供水量达8.44亿立方米;同时,据环保部门监测数据表明,调水水质符合国家考核要求,顺利实现调水水量与水质的双达标。省委、省政府高度重视本年度跨省调水工作,省领导多次对调水工作提出要求。省水利厅多次召开会议,研究落实年度调水工作任务,要求各级各有关部门认真履行职能职责,全力协调做好调水各项工作,确保圆满完成本年度向山东调水任务。省南水北调办充分发挥统筹、组织、协调等职能作用,会同省生态环境厅、交通运输厅、农业农村厅和江苏水源公司、省电力公司等单位,全面落实调水期间工程安全运行、水质协调保障、危化品船舶禁运管控、河湖养殖污染防治、泵站用电保障等工作,切实加强调水运行监督检查,保障调水各项工作顺利开展。 Источник

এখনও খোঁজ নেই বায়ুসেনার বিমানের, মান্ধাতা আমলের যন্ত্রই কাল

সোমবার আসামের জোরহাট থেকে অরুণাচল প্রদেশের মেচুকা এয়ার ল্যান্ডিং গ্রাউন্ডের দিকে যেতে গিয়ে যে ভারতীয় বায়ুসেনার ১৩ জন আধিকারিক সমেত ‘নিখোঁজ’ হয়েছিল এএন-৩২, মঙ্গলবারও...

Web Video: Combating Human Trafficking And Sexual Assault, Delivering Justice for Survivors

Through the efforts of lawmakers in both chambers, the bills that were passed and signed into law by the Governor provide additional tools to...

Statement from Governor Phil Scott on the Passing of Representative David Ainsworth

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today issued the following statement regarding the passing of former Vermont state Representative David Ainsworth. “I’m saddened to hear...