April 19 , 2024

Doors open at flood recovery centres

Dedicated community recovery centres are now operating in Ballina, Casino, Kyogle, Lismore, Mullumbimby, and Murwillumbah to provide face-to-face support for locals affected by the...

Regional superstar Anna Barwick named NSW Premier’s NSW Premier’s Woman of the Year

Well-known regional personality Anna Barwick has been named the 2022 NSW Premier’s Woman of the Year at the NSW Women of the Year Awards...

Mal Lanyon appointed Northern NSW flood recovery coordinator

The NSW Government has appointed NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon as Northern NSW Recovery Coordinator. ...

Warning on flood recovery scams

The NSW Government has issued a warning to flood victims and residents across the state to be wary of flood recovery scams. ...

One million kilograms of emergency fodder for flood-affected farmers

More than one million kilograms of fodder has made its way to flood-affected farms in the Northern Rivers to help impacted primary producers feed...

Real estate agents fined for underquoting offences

A NSW Fair Trading team formed in May 2021 dedicated to proactively stamping out underquoting in the real estate industry has issued 117 fines...

COVID lease protections extended for small business tenants

Small businesses doing it tough due to COVID-19 are set to benefit from further NSW Government support following a decision to extend mediation protections...

Job Protection for Flood Emergency Volunteers

Premier Dominic Perrottet has activated employment protections for volunteers to ensure they cannot be unjustly fired from their jobs while volunteering in the flood...

Waste collection ramps up in flood zones

Flood-affected communities are being reminded to exercise caution when returning to their homes and businesses, as waste collection services ramp up across the state. ...

Sydney Metro West tunnelling contract awarded

The NSW Government has awarded a $2.16 billion contract to deliver the next stage of tunnelling on the mega Sydney Metro West project. ...


Rockhampton and Yeppoon Community Cabinet

The second Community Cabinet of the Palaszczuk Government was held in Rockhampton and Yeppoon on 24–25 May 2015. The Premier and her Cabinet took this...

Environnement Trophées bretons...

Le 4 juin, dans le cadre de la Semaine de la BreizhCop, les 13e Trophées bretons du développement durable ont récompensé cinq projets exemplaires....


6月3日,记者从全省建设系统“安全生产月”活动动员大会暨安全标准化示范工地观摩会上获悉,今年全省计划创建110多个标准化示范工地。第一季度,全省建设系统有103个项目被认定为“百差工地”,对42个未办理施工许可证的项目责令停工整改,并依法依规进行处罚。    当日下午,1200名与会代表先后参观了标准化示范工地——中建三局蓝海嘉居住宅小区三期项目、中建二局第三建筑工程有限公司承建的南昌万达城H区项目等。未来一个月,全省建设系统将按照标准化示范工地,对所有在建工地开展一次全面安全隐患大排查、大整治,通过专项整治让安全风险处在可控范围内。此外,今年全省标准化示范工地计划是,南昌完成创建32个以上,赣州、九江、宜春各完成创建10个以上,吉安、上饶、抚州各完成创建8个以上,鹰潭、景德镇、新余、萍乡各完成创建5个以上,赣江新区完成创建4个以上。 Источник


5月30日,在“六一”国际儿童节来临之际,副省长杨兴平来到成都师范附属小学、省直机关东府幼儿园看望慰问少年儿童,向他们送上节日祝福,并对教育工作者致以亲切问候。 在成师附小,杨兴平参观学校的自助书屋和社团展区,了解剪纸、泥塑、编织、美术等社团活动开展情况,并观看戏剧、合唱、拉丁舞等“六一”文艺演出节目的彩排。在东府幼儿园,杨兴平参观了解中大班混龄创意活动、小班创意涂鸦活动,观看大二班、大三班毕业典礼节目排练,并为孩子们送上节日礼物,祝愿孩子们节日快乐健康成长。 杨兴平指出,少年儿童是祖国的未来、民族的希望;教育事业是最崇高、最光辉的事业。希望孩子们勤于学习、勇于探索、敢于创新,在学习中发现培养自己的兴趣,为成长成才打下坚实基础。希望广大教育工作者积极探索加强少年儿童素质教育的途径和方式,推动全省基础教育优质均衡发展,为孩子们健康成长、全面发展营造良好环境。 省政府副秘书长刘全胜,教育厅、省机关事务管理局和成都市有关负责同志参加慰问。 Источник

2022 Hunan Canola Flower Festival

Photo/Luo Chong The Hunan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held a press conference on March 10. It announced that...