January 27 , 2025

Finalists named for Future Women NSW Rural Scholarship Program

Women living in rural and regional NSW will be set up to become leaders in their community, with the NSW Government today announcing 24...

Plea to donate responsibly to flood-affected communities

Well-meaning community members are being urged not to donate unwanted goods to NSW communities affected by recent storms and floods. People wanting to donate...

Flood recovery centres to provide residents with face-to-face support

Dedicated community recovery centres are being set up across New South Wales to provide face-to-face support for residents affected by the recent severe storm...

Skilling up workers for Snowy 2.0

Young people will be recruited and armed with the practical skills needed to work on Snowy 2.0 under a landmark partnership between TAFE NSW...

Grants fast-tracked for flood-affected primary producers

Primary producers hit by storms and floods in NSW can access $15,000 immediately, through grants of up $75,000, as part of the jointly funded...

More Jobs for Western Sydney with another Metro Rail Contract Awarded

A major contract has been awarded as part of the new Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport line, marking another important milestone in the...

Flood Recovery Task Force on Clean-Up Mission

A multi-agency team including 400 personnel, helicopters, and equipment is being mobilised to help the clean-up effort following extreme floods across northern NSW. ...

Immediate disaster assistance now available for flood affected individuals and councils

Individuals and Councils in NSW impacted by the floods can now access support through Service NSW. ...

State’s multicultural champions named for 2022

The outstanding contributions of 16 people and organisations were recognised at the Premier’s annual Harmony Dinner in Sydney on Tuesday 1 March. ...

Funding to help flood-hit communities, farmers, small businesses and councils

An initial $434.7 million of funding from the Commonwealth and New South Wales governments for flood-affected communities to support farmers, businesses and local councils....



6月4日,为期三天的全省旅游产业发展大会在宜春拉开序幕。当日下午,在明月山温泉风景名胜区温汤镇举行了中国·宜春文旅产业招商推介会。推介会上,签约项目31个,签约总金额达193.9亿元。据了解,近年来,宜春市围绕“打造国内一流旅游目的地和国际知名健康养生休闲度假目的地”的目标,坚持高起点谋划,产业布局更加优化;坚持大项目引领,产业支撑不断强化;坚持多渠道发力,产业品牌日益响亮;坚持大力度扶持,发展环境持续优化,有力推动了文化旅游融合发展,走出了一条具有宜春特色的旅游发展之路。推介会上,举行了项目签约仪式,共签约项目31个,签约总金额达193.9亿元。亚太旅游联合会会长何光晔、世界旅游城市联合会首席专家魏小安等行业专家紧密结合宜春实际,围绕文化旅游深度融合、IP引领文旅融合创新发展、深化旅游供给侧改革、推动旅游产业高质量发展等方面,提出了许多有建设性的意见建议。 Источник

Commission permanente du 3 juin 2019 : Aménagement du territoire et développement durable

La Commission Permanente de la Région Normandie s’est rassemblée lundi 3 juin 2019, à Caen, sous la présidence d’Hervé Morin, pour examiner plus de...

L’Assemblée de Martinique

PrésentationContactPrésentation L’Assemblée de Martinique : L’Assemblée de Martinique règle par ses délibérations les décisions relatives à ses domaines de compétence. L’Assemblée de Martinique est composée de 51...

More Jobs for Western Sydney with another Metro Rail Contract Awarded

A major contract has been awarded as part of the new Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport line, marking another important milestone in the...

Gov. Edwards: Bag Up Your Litter Before Leaving Mardi Gras Parades, Cher

As part of ongoing statewide efforts to address Louisiana’s litter problem, Gov. John Bel Edwards today encouraged Louisianans to take responsibility for their own...