February 23 , 2025

Ontario Takes Action to Build a Skilled Workforce

Government modernizing apprenticeship and skilled trades system DURHAM — Ontario is putting people first by helping tradespeople and employers better meet the needs of a...

Interim Electrical Rebate renewed

The Government of Yukon is renewing the Interim Electrical Rebate for 2019–20 and has adjusted the amount paid by one-third of a cent per...

New affordable housing units open in Dawson City

A new eight-unit affordable housing building officially opened at 1075 Third Avenue in Dawson City today. Tenants will be able to move in starting...

Spring session focused on affordability, strengthening economy

Making life better and more affordable for British Columbians, while building a strong economy, was at the core of government work inside and outside...

Exciting events happening around B.C. this summer and fall

Fireworks, mountain biking competitions, art shows and outdoor music festivals are just a few of the events people can look forward to this summer...

Minister’s statement on B.C. Tourism Week

Lisa Beare, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture has issued the following statement in celebration of B.C. Tourism Week:“Tourism Week is recognized across the country...

COP24 President And Delegation Visits Carbon Capture And Sequestration Facility

Released on May 31, 2019 Saskatchewan’s global leadership on...


Wolf Administration Awards Grants for Projects Targeting Better Health Outcomes in North Philadelphia

Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf today announced details of projects selected...

Delaware to Adopt Zero Emission Vehicle Regulation

Goal is to Increase Electric Vehicle Availability, Purchases in First...

Governor Newsom Announces Appointment 6.3.19

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today announced the following appointment: Asif Mahmood, 58, of Bradbury, has been appointed to the Medical Board of California. Mahmood has been a...


为营造诚实守信的良好科研环境,加快建设高水平创新型省份,我省出台《关于进一步加强全省科研诚信建设的实施意见》(以下简称《意见》)。由省发改委起草的《意见》指出,全面实施科研诚信承诺制。相关行业主管部门要在科技计划项目、创新平台(基地)、科技奖励、重大人才工程、院士推荐等工作中实施科研诚信承诺制度,要求从事推荐(提名)、申报、评审、评估等工作的相关人员签署科研诚信承诺书,明确承诺事项和违背承诺的处理要求。加强科研诚信审核。相关行业主管部门要将科研诚信审核作为院士推荐、科技奖励、职称评定、学位授予、成果评优等工作的必经程序。对严重违背科研诚信人员,实行“一票否决”。着力深化科研评价制度改革。推进项目评审、人才评价、机构评估改革,建立以科技创新质量、贡献、绩效为导向的综合评价制度,将科研诚信状况作为各类评价的重要指标。坚持分类评价,突出品德、能力、业绩导向,注重标志性成果质量、贡献、影响,推行代表作评价制度,不把论文、专利、荣誉性头衔、承担项目、获奖等情况作为限制性条件。尊重科学研究规律,合理设定评价周期,建立重大科学研究长周期考核机制。《意见》指出,严厉打击严重违背科研诚信要求的行为。坚持零容忍,建立终身追究制度,依法依规对严重违背科研诚信要求行为实行终身追究,一经发现,随时调查处理。相关行业主管部门或严重违背科研诚信要求责任人所在单位要区分不同情况,对责任人给予科研诚信诫勉谈话;取消项目立项资格,终止或撤销已立项项目,追回科研项目经费;撤销获得的奖励、荣誉称号,追回奖金;依法开除学籍,撤销学位、教师资格,收回医师执业证书等;一定期限直至终身取消晋升职务职称、申报科技计划项目、担任评审评估专家、院士推荐等资格;依法依规解除劳动合同、聘用合同;终身禁止在政府举办的学校、医院、科研机构等从事教学、科研工作等处罚,以及记入科研诚信严重失信行为主体名单等处理。《意见》鼓励对违背科研诚信要求的行为进行负责任实名举报。开展科研诚信建设情况动态监测和第三方评估,监测和评估结果作为改进完善相关工作的重要基础以及科研事业单位绩效评价、企业享受政府资助等的重要依据。对重大科研诚信事件及时开展跟踪监测和分析,定期发布江苏科研诚信状况报告,并在“信用中国(江苏)”上予以发布。 Источник

חנוכת מקווה מצפה אילן

היום חנכנו את המקווה המחודש במצפה אילן.   ...