December 23 , 2024

Government Of Saskatchewan Files Notice Of Carbon Tax Appeal To Supreme Court Of Canada

Released on May 31, 2019 Today, Justice Minister and...

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Unveils New Equipment

Released on May 31, 2019 Today, Saskatchewan Polytechnic unveiled...

Louis Sebert: Programs Available to Inmates in NWT Correctional Facilities

Mr. Speaker, our government committed in its mandate to pursue innovative ways to prevent and reduce crime. Today, I want to share with you...

Alfred Moses: Northern Pathways to Housing in Behchokǫ̀

Mr. Speaker, the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation has worked hard to meet the commitments made by this Government to advance affordable housing and address...

Minister Abernethy Congratulates Recipients of the 2019 NWT Disability Awareness Awards

Minister Responsible for Persons with Disabilities, Glen Abernethy, congratulated recipients of the 2019 NWT Disability Awareness Awards presented as part of the annual Disability...

Advanced Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides issued the following statement on the retirement of Glenn...

Advanced Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides issued the following statement on the retirement of Glenn Feltham, president and CEO of NAIT: ...

Education Minister Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement on World Catholic Education Day:

Education Minister Adriana LaGrange issued the following statement on World Catholic Education Day: ...

Alberta’s fight for jobs and Canada’s energy industry continues in British Columbia with the...

Alberta’s fight for jobs and Canada’s energy industry continues in British Columbia with the launch of a campaign reinforcing the need for the Trans...

New funding will support food security programs throughout B.C.

With a $3-million grant from the B.C. government, the Victoria Foundation will improve access to fresh, nutritious, affordable food for thousands of people who...

B.C. to study billing transparency, fairness in cellphone contracts

Frustrated by the lack of transparency in cellphone bills — from clarity about fees to the absence of plain language that makes contracts confusing —...



Oklahoma City (May 2, 2019)— Governor Kevin Stitt announced today that the White House has approved the state's request for disaster assistance for three...

דרוש/ה מנהל/ת עסקים וכספים לקיבוץ אלמוג

לקיבוץ אלמוג בצפון ים המלח דרוש/ה מנהל/ת עסקים וכספים תואר אקדמי יתרון, נדרש ניסיון עסקי, הבנה כלכלית,  יכולות ניהול ועבודה בצוות. היקף המשרה – 80%. קו"ח לצביקי: Источник

אלופים תלמידי מבואות עירון זכו  במקום הראשון בתחרות מירוצי שדה ארצית!

אלופים תלמידי מבואות עירון זכו  במקום הראשון בתחרות מירוצי...

Gov. Ricketts Thanks President Trump for Year-Round E15

May 31, 2019Media Contacts:   Justin Pinkerman, Governor’s Office, 402-471-1967 Roger Berry, Ethanol Board, 402-471-2941 Media Release: Gov. Ricketts Thanks President Trump for Year-Round E15   LINCOLN – Today,...


日前,省政协副主席陈强带领由省政协经济委员会部分委员和专家组成的调研组,先后赴西安市、延安市、杨凌示范区就加快推动数字陕西建设进行专题调研,并召开座谈会。 5月29日,调研组召开了调研情况通报会,听取省级有关部门情况介绍。随后,调研组深入延安大数据基地、杨凌农业大数据产业园、西安高新区数字产业基地等处进行调研,了解我省数字化建设的进展情况。6月6日,调研组在西安召开座谈会,多家企业负责人进行了深入交流,并提出意见建议。 陈强指出,要提高政治站位,充分认识搞好这次调研活动的重要意义,要把问题摸准、把情况吃透、把建议做实,力争拿出有质量、针对性和操作性强的调研成果,为省委、省政府科学决策贡献政协智慧和力量。要以信息化培育新动能,用新动能推动新发展,大力发展数字经济,以数字经济助推“三个经济”建设,努力实现更高质量、更有效率、更可持续发展。(记者 齐小英) ...