January 22 , 2025

Governor Ron DeSantis Appoints Five to the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of Lillian Barrios and Donald Elwell and the reappointment of Marsha “Renee” Knight, Phil Stevens, and Robin...

Governor Ron DeSantis Appoints Four to the Florida Greenways and Trails Council

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of Michael Stephens, Scott Stryker, and Stephanie Wardein and the reappointment of Sarah Glassner to...

As COVID-19 trends continue to improve and the second anniversary of the first recorded...

BISMARCK, N.D. – As COVID-19 trends continue to improve and the second anniversary of the first recorded case in North Dakota approaches, Gov. Doug...

Governor Murphy Recognizes 11th New Class of NJ TRANSIT Locomotive Engineers

14 New Engineers Joining the Ranks as Murphy Administration Continues Rebuilding NJ TRANSIT KEARNY – Governor Phil Murphy, NJDOT Commissioner and NJ TRANSIT Board...

Greenberry Industrial Manufacturing Project to Create 100 New Jobs in Jefferson Davis Parish

Greenberry Industrial, a Washington-based fabricator and contractor serving a wide range of industrial markets, announced that it is in the process of converting a...

DNREC Invites Delaware Students to Enter Earth Day Video Contest

DNREC’s Earth Day video contest is open to Delaware students...

Division of Civil Rights & Public Trust Secures First Hate Crime Conviction

Defendant convicted of racist harassment of Governor’s employee The Attorney...

Governor Murphy Announces Newark’s Designation as a Transit Village

Program promotes mixed-use development and Complete Streets accommodations near transit facilities TRENTON – Governor Murphy and New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti...

Governor Carney and Division of Small Business Announce Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Funding...

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney and the Delaware Division of...


省政协召开月度专题协商会 打赢荆楚蓝天保卫战

  6月5日上午,省政协召开月度专题协商会,聚焦“打赢荆楚蓝天保卫战”协商建言。省政协主席徐立全主持会议,副省长曹广晶出席会议并讲话。   协商会上,省生态环境厅通报有关情况,省政协副主席杨玉华作主题发言,谭必恩、杜耘、严炳洲、罗强、丁广鑫、洪再林、王婷代表民主党派、地方政协等,分别围绕提升大气污染防治精细化管理水平、加强煤炭消费总量控制、推进重点领域工业污染治理、调整优化交通运输结构等资政建言。3名基层代表和5名政协委员作自由发言,省直有关部门负责人现场回应。   徐立全认真听取委员发言后说,党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视生态文明建设,开展一系列根本性、开创性、长远性工作,推动生态环境保护发生历史性、转折性、全局性变化。省委省政府坚决贯彻中央决策部署,制定出台湖北省污染防治攻坚战行动方案,大力实施打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划,我省大气污染防治工作取得明显成效。   徐立全强调,要深入学习领会习近平生态文明思想,进一步提高政治站位,深化思想认识,主动履职作为,不断增强打赢荆楚蓝天保卫战的思想自觉和行动自觉。要继续围绕大气污染治理中的突出问题和薄弱环节,紧盯重点行业和重要领域的污染、能源结构调整、监测体系建设、跨区域联防联治等问题,深入调查研究,积极建言献策。要充分发挥政协委员在本职工作中的带头作用、政协工作中的主体作用、界别群众中的代表作用,积极投身生态文明建设主战场,做打赢荆楚蓝天保卫战的行动者。   曹广晶表示将充分吸纳委员意见和建议。他说,打赢荆楚蓝天保卫战,要坚持绿色理念继续保持战略定力,坚持问题导向全面落实工作要求,坚持共建共享切实强化保障措施,把大气污染防治攻坚的责任扛在肩上,为美丽湖北建设作出新的更大贡献。   省政协副主席彭军,秘书长翟天山等出席协商会。(张辉、郑轩) Источник

Media Statements – State Cabinet records from 1988 released

State Cabinet records are opened to the public after 30 years to reveal the official decisions that have shaped our StateThe State Records Office...

מצוינות, קהילה מימוש אישי, ערכים

סגן ראשת המועצה יעריב הציג במליאת המועצה האחרונה את העקרונות והרעיונות שנבחנים בימים אלה לבניית תוכנית אסטרטגית מקיפה במערכת החינוך בעמק חפר   בין הנושאים:המשך תהליך...

Have your say on South East Traffic Solution

The community is invited to have their say on the South East Traffic Solution, with consultation opening today on concept options for a number...