February 22 , 2025

Governor Ron DeSantis Appoints Five to the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of Lillian Barrios and Donald Elwell and the reappointment of Marsha “Renee” Knight, Phil Stevens, and Robin...

Governor Ron DeSantis Appoints Four to the Florida Greenways and Trails Council

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of Michael Stephens, Scott Stryker, and Stephanie Wardein and the reappointment of Sarah Glassner to...

As COVID-19 trends continue to improve and the second anniversary of the first recorded...

BISMARCK, N.D. – As COVID-19 trends continue to improve and the second anniversary of the first recorded case in North Dakota approaches, Gov. Doug...

Governor Murphy Recognizes 11th New Class of NJ TRANSIT Locomotive Engineers

14 New Engineers Joining the Ranks as Murphy Administration Continues Rebuilding NJ TRANSIT KEARNY – Governor Phil Murphy, NJDOT Commissioner and NJ TRANSIT Board...

Greenberry Industrial Manufacturing Project to Create 100 New Jobs in Jefferson Davis Parish

Greenberry Industrial, a Washington-based fabricator and contractor serving a wide range of industrial markets, announced that it is in the process of converting a...

DNREC Invites Delaware Students to Enter Earth Day Video Contest

DNREC’s Earth Day video contest is open to Delaware students...

Division of Civil Rights & Public Trust Secures First Hate Crime Conviction

Defendant convicted of racist harassment of Governor’s employee The Attorney...

Governor Murphy Announces Newark’s Designation as a Transit Village

Program promotes mixed-use development and Complete Streets accommodations near transit facilities TRENTON – Governor Murphy and New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti...

Governor Carney and Division of Small Business Announce Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Funding...

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney and the Delaware Division of...


Commission permanente du 13 mai 2019

La Commission Permanente de la Région Normandie s’est rassemblée lundi 13 mai 2019, à Caen, sous la présidence d’Hervé Morin, pour examiner plus de...

Développement durable

PrésentationcontactPrésentation La Collectivité Territoriale décline les préceptes du développement durable dans toutes ses politiques sectorielles suivant 3 axes : le Plan d’aménagement et de développement durable...

Glen Abernethy – Mental Wellness and Addictions Recovery Action Plan

Mr. Speaker, many northerners continue to be held back by mental health and addictions which is why the 18th Legislative Assembly made it a...

DNREC Invites Delaware Students to Enter Earth Day Video Contest

DNREC’s Earth Day video contest is open to Delaware students...

贺荣在汉中职业技术学院调研时强调办好新时代职业教育 服务发展助力扶贫

6月2日,省委副书记、省委教育工作领导小组组长贺荣在汉中职业技术学院调研加强职业教育和教育扶贫等工作时强调,要认真落实国家职业教育改革《实施方案》,以促进就业和适应产业发展需求为导向,下大气力完善职业教育和培训体系,着力培养高素质劳动者和技术技能人才,更好服务新时代陕西追赶超越发展、助力打赢脱贫攻坚战。 贺荣在学院的秦巴中药标本馆、临床分子生物重点实验室、生命科学馆等地调研重点专业建设,对学院注重引进人才、打造科研和教学平台的做法给予肯定。贺荣来到机电系实训中心,听取校企合作、现代学徒制等介绍,鼓励正在练习汽车维修的学生学习过硬本领;还走进学前教育、土建类、口腔专业等实训室,了解日常实训、技能比赛和就业等情况。 贺荣指出,职业教育与普通教育是两种不同教育类型,具有同等重要地位。要抓住国家政策支持的机遇,深化办学体制改革和育人机制改革,严把教学标准和毕业学生质量标准两个关口,促进产教融合校企“双元”育人,大幅提升新时代职业教育现代化水平。 贺荣强调,汉中职业技术学院要发挥在汽修、学前教育、医务护理等方面的比较优势,打造一批高水平实训基地,推进高等职业教育高质量发展。要与脱贫攻坚、产业可持续发展等紧密结合,通过深入实施“双百工程”、驻村联户等工作,在乡村培养一批技能带头人、创业带头人。要探索苏陕协作新路子,对接人才市场需求,拓宽社区康养等新型劳务输出渠道,最大限度搞好就业服务。 ...