February 24 , 2025

Vermont Requests Federal Disaster Declaration

Montpelier, Vt.—Governor Phil Scott has requested a Major Disaster Declaration from President Trump to acquire federal funds to assist six Vermont counties in repairing...

Statement from Governor Phil Scott on State Investment in Vermont State Colleges

Montpelier, Vt. – The Board of Trustees for the Vermont State Colleges System today voted to roll back a planned 3 percent tuition increase...

Inslee visits San Juan and Skagit counties to discuss broadband

Gov. Jay Inslee stepped into a small room in a Friday Harbor hospital on Tuesday and faced a large, white screen as if he...

Gov. Justice signs series of bills from 2019 Special Session

5/29/2019 CHARLESTON, WV – Gov. Jim Justice has signed a series of 17 bills passed by the West Virginia Legislature last week as part of the...

In accordance with Presidential Proclamation, Gov. Justice orders all U.S., WV flags be flown...

2/8/2019 CHARLESTON, WV - Gov. Jim Justice has issued a proclamation in accordance with a Presidential Proclamation ordering all United States flags and all West Virginia...

Gov. Justice appoints Kornish as judge for 8th Judicial Circuit serving McDowell County

5/30/2019 CHARLESTON, WV – Gov. Jim Justice has appointed Edward J. Kornish of Welch, WV to the 8th Judicial Circuit Court, which serves McDowell County....

Governor Bryan Congratulates Judge Robert A. Molloy on Nomination to U.S. District Court for...

US Virgin Islands— Governor Albert Bryan Jr., issued the following statement congratulating Superior Court Judge Robert A. Molloy on his nomination to the U.S....

Governor Bryan Submits FY 2020 Executive Budget to Legislature

US Virgin Islands— Governor Albert Bryan Jr., submitted his first Executive Budget as governor Thursday to the 33rd Legislature to fund the operations of...

States Pursue Strategies to Address Infectious Disease Related to the Opioid Epidemic

Priorities Include Expanding Access to Syringe Services Programs and Using Data to Target High-Risk Communities With viral infections attributable to injection drug use on the...



新华社北京6月7日电(王嘉鑫、申铖)财政部和国务院扶贫办日前联合发布通知,鼓励各级预算单位运用好政府采购手段,优先采购贫困地区农副产品和物业服务以支持脱贫攻坚。 根据发布的《关于运用政府采购政策支持脱贫攻坚的通知》,各级预算单位采购农副产品的,同等条件下应优先采购贫困地区农副产品。各主管预算单位要做好统筹协调,确定并预留本部门各预算单位食堂采购农副产品总额的一定比例定向采购贫困地区农副产品。各级预算单位要按照积极稳妥的原则确定预留比例,购买贫困地区农副产品时要遵循就近、经济的原则,在确保完成既定预留比例的基础上,鼓励更多采购贫困地区农副产品,注重扶贫实际效果。 根据通知,贫困地区农副产品是指832个国家级贫困县域内注册的企业、农民专业合作社、家庭农场等出产的农副产品。 通知明确,各级预算单位使用财政性资金采购物业服务的,有条件的应当优先采购注册地在832个国家级贫困县域内,且聘用建档立卡贫困人员物业公司提供的物业服务。对注册地在832个国家级贫困县域内,且聘用建档立卡贫困人员达到公司员工(含服务外包用工)30%以上的物业公司,各级预算单位可根据符合条件的物业公司数量等具体情况,按规定履行有关变更采购方式报批程序后,采用竞争性谈判、竞争性磋商、单一来源等非公开招标采购方式,采购有关物业公司提供的物业服务。 通知称,财政部、国务院扶贫办会同有关部门制定优先采购贫困地区农副产品的实施方案,搭建贫困地区农副产品网络销售平台,提供高效便捷的贫困地区农副产品产销渠道,有序开展相关工作。各级扶贫办(局)要会同本级有关部门加强贫困地区农副产品货源组织,建立长期稳定的供给体系。 Источник

גיוס תרומות לנפגעי השריפה תושבי מבוא מודיעים

  גיוס תרומות למען נפגעי השריפה במבוא מודיעים אזרחים יקרים,  ישוב שלם נמחק בשריפה הגדולה במבוא מודיעים וכ-300 אנשים יקרים נשארו בלי בית. אם אתם רוצים לעזור ניתן...


6月6日,副省长胡明朗在西安会见了泰国第八警区第一副司令差立·廷他尼率领的泰国高级警官代表团一行。 胡明朗代表省政府对差立·廷他尼一行来陕开展交流与合作表示欢迎。他说,中泰两国毗邻而居,共建“一带一路”使两国关系好上加好、亲上加亲。近年来,陕西和泰国交流合作愈加密切,希望进一步加强交流,深化警务领域务实合作,推动双方在各领域共同发展。 差立·廷他尼希望进一步拓展与陕西合作领域,为实现共同发展和繁荣作出积极贡献。(记者 韩岩) ...

Leurs bonnes idées créent de l’énergie

Pour devenir la première région à énergie positive, l’Occitanie peut compter sur certaines entreprises ayant fait des énergies renouvelables leur cheval de bataille. ...