April 29 , 2024

Gov. Edwards Applauds the U.S. Dept. of Commerce for Its Historic Investment in Expanding...

Gov. John Bel Edwards joins the U.S. Dept. of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in announcing $277 million in grants to expand...

Heritage Commission Book of the Week

In examining Delaware’s environmental past, “Man and Nature” provides a...

DOJ Convicts Kent County Man of 77 Counts Related to Sexual Abuse of Children 

Defendant facing life in prison for repeatedly raping two juvenile...

Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez Announces Spring 2022 Florida Space Art Contest for K-5 Students

Video available for use in broadcasting and can be viewed by clicking on the image above.   TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez...

TRANSCRIPT: October 27th, 2021 Coronavirus Briefing Media

Governor Phil Murphy: Good afternoon. With me to my right is the woman who needs no introduction, the Commissioner of the Department of...

Treasurer Davis Encourages Delawareans to Examine Saving Habits

America Saves Week – February 21-25, 2002 Stressing the importance...

Take Care Delaware to Launch Statewide

WILMINGTON – The Delaware Children’s Department (DSCYF) has announced that...

First Lady Tammy Murphy, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra Announce Medicaid Expansion...

New Jersey Becomes Second State in the Nation and First in the Region to Provide Medicaid Expansion to Improve Maternal and Infant Health and...


আন্তর্জাতিক ক্ষেত্রে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অবদানের স্বীকৃতি, বিদেশমন্ত্রী পদে জয়শংকর

ভারতের অন্যতম শীর্ষ স্থানীয় কূটনীতিবিদ কে সুব্রহ্মনিয়মের ছেলে জয়শংকর ভারত-আমেরিকা অসামরিক পরমাণু চুক্তি নিরূপণকারী দলের সদস্য ছিলেন। আশির দশক থেকেই আমেরিকার সঙ্গে তাঁর সুসম্পর্ক...

Governor Cooper Honors 75th Anniversary of D-Day

Governor Roy Cooper shared the following statement in honor of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion: "Seventy-five years after the D-Day invasion we pause...

Tasmanian exports continue to rise

Tasmanian exports have grown again, with an increase of 5.7 per cent compared to the previous year. We have exported $3.74 billion worth...

刘涛在全省普通高校招生考试安全备考工作视频会议上强调 确保高考安全平稳有序–政务公开

  6月4日,省政府召开全省普通高校招生考试安全备考工作视频会议,副省长刘涛出席并讲话,强调要提高认识,强化举措,严肃纪律,主动作为,全力以赴为高考营造安全诚信稳定的良好环境。   会议指出,高考是全社会关注的焦点,重要性不言而喻。全省各级招委会成员单位务必要居安思危,认真排查整改各类问题,坚决克服麻痹思想,自觉把责任扛在肩上,决不允许发生高考安全事故。   会议强调,各级招委会特别是教育部门要严格落实值班值守制度,紧盯重点环节和关键部位,确保试卷绝对安全、工作万无一失;公安部门要安排好警力,加强社会治安管控,宣传、保密、市场监管、无线电管理等部门要各负其责,做好考试外部环境治理和保障工作。各有关部门要在职责范围内,力所能及地为考生和家长提供热情周到细致的服务,特别是做好高考政策宣传咨询和解疑释惑工作。各地各部门要在巩固“四个专项行动”成果的同时,进一步加强综合治理,切实维护良好的考风考纪,确保今年高考工作安全、平稳、有序。   会前,刘涛通过全省考务指挥中心视频系统,检查了试卷运送、试卷保密室值班值守和各地区安全备考情况。(赵静) Источник