February 23 , 2025

Govs Get It Done: Maine Governor Janet Mills Signs Conversion Therapy Ban

Democratic Maine Gov. Janet Mills today signed legislation banning the harmful practice of conversion therapy in the state of Maine. The bill earned bipartisan...

DGA Launches New Website: BevinsBluegrassBlues.com

Digital hub informs Kentuckians about Gov. Matt Bevin’s failed record on jobs, education and health care Today, the Democratic Governors Association launched a new website:...

RGA Releases New Video For Kentucky Governor’s Race: “Go Public”

WASHINGTON, DC – Now that Andy Beshear has secured the Democratic nomination for governor, despite receiving less than 40 percent of the primary vote,...

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Housing Choice Bill in Worcester

Brendan Moss, Press Secretary, Governor's Office ...

Gov. Edwards Announces $20 Million Rail Project For Port of Greater Baton Rouge

Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards, joined by Port of Greater Baton Rouge and Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) officials, committed State of Louisiana capital outlay...

NOTICE: Bills Signed by Gov. Edwards

Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards announced that he signed the following bills into law from the 2019 Regular Legislative Session: SB 1- Provides for investment of...


OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma (May, 24, 2019) – Governor Kevin Stitt, joined by House and Senate Republican leadership, today signed into law HB 2765, the...


Oklahoma City, Okla. (May 25, 2019) – Governor Kevin Stitt announced today that President Donald Trump has approved the state’s request for an emergency declaration...

Burgum statement on U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement

BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum issued the following statement today after the Trump administration announced a new trilateral trade agreement between the United...

Burgum names Clint Hill the 44th recipient of the Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award

BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum today announced former U.S. Secret Service agent and author Clint Hill as the 44th recipient of the North...



5月31日上午,习近平总书记在“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育工作会议上发表重要讲话。省委常委,省人大常委会、省政府、省政协领导同志,省法院、省检察院负责同志,省委各部委、省各委办厅局负责同志等,在江苏分会场收看收听了会议。会议结束后,受省委书记娄勤俭委托,省委副书记、省长吴政隆对我省学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神提出要求。吴政隆指出,在全党开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央在中国特色社会主义进入新时代作出的重大决策部署。习近平总书记的重要讲话,统揽伟大斗争、伟大工程、伟大事业、伟大梦想,透彻论述了开展主题教育的重大意义,深刻阐明了主题教育的目标任务,对各级党组织开展好主题教育提出明确要求。总书记重要讲话主题鲜明、论述深刻、内涵丰富、高屋建瓴,通篇闪耀着马克思主义的真理光辉,贯穿着实事求是的思想路线,彰显着我们党勇于自我革命的坚定决心,为我们开展主题教育指明了方向,提供了遵循。全省各级党组织和广大党员干部要认真学习领会总书记重要讲话精神,并与学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想紧密结合起来,坚决用习近平总书记重要讲话精神统一思想和行动,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、坚决做到“两个维护”,以高度的政治责任感积极投身到主题教育中来。吴政隆指出,要高标准落实好中央关于主题教育的各项部署要求。要围绕“深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,锤炼忠诚干净担当的政治品格,团结带领全国各族人民为实现伟大梦想共同奋斗”这一根本任务,紧扣“理论学习有收获、思想政治受洗礼、干事创业敢担当、为民服务解难题、清正廉洁作表率”这一目标,突出县处级以上领导干部这一重点对象,贯彻“守初心、担使命,找差距、抓落实”这一总要求,把学习教育、调查研究、检视问题、整改落实贯穿全过程。吴政隆强调,要确保我省主题教育取得实实在在成效。全省主题教育在省委常委会领导下开展,要坚持领导带头,坚持从严要求,做到学习教育入心入脑,调查研究破解难题,检视问题深刻到位,整改落实动真碰硬,以“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育实际成效汇聚起推动高质量发展走在前列、加快建设“强富美高”新江苏的强大力量,以崭新的风貌和良好的业绩庆祝新中国成立70周年。 Источник

Media Statements – Great Northern Highway upgrade reaches new milestone

Upgrades on Great Northern Highway to complement NorthLink WA worksImproved road safety, efficiency and access for locals and industryMiling Bypass and Pithara form part...

$6 million International Education Strategy launched

The State Government has launched its 10-year International Education Strategy, with an initial 4-year investment of $6.25 million, to deliver a suite of education...

Governor Chris Sununu Vetoes HB 365

Concord, NH - Today, Governor Chris Sununu vetoed HB 365, relative to net energy metering limits for customer generators. Veto message   Источник

Alfred Moses – Northwest Territories 9-1-1 Implementation Update

Mr. Speaker, this government is committed to improving access to emergency services and enhancing community wellness and safety through the rollout of the 9-1-1...