February 24 , 2025

Delaware Will Issue Monthly Emergency Benefits on Feb. 24

NEW CASTLE (Feb. 22, 2022) – The Delaware Division of...

Delaware Emitirá Beneficios de Emergencia Mensuales el 24 de Feb.

NEW CASTLE (22 de Febrero de 2022) – La División...

Governor Phil Murphy Announces $10 Million in Funding for Phase 3 of Sustain &...

Additional Funding Brings Total to $45 Million for Program on Track to Purchase 4.5 Million Meals from Over 400 Restaurants Across All NJ Counties...

Avian Influenza Found In Delaware Chicken Flock; Producers Urged To Take Precautions

DOVER, Del. (February 23, 2022) – Testing has confirmed a...

Downtown Development Districts Program Achieves Record Housing And Community Development In 2021

Over $12 Million In State Investments Highlighted In Annual Report...

Statement by Governor Murphy on the House Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

“Under the leadership of President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, and our dedicated congressional delegation, New Jerseyans stand to benefit immensely from unprecedented investments in infrastructure....

DNREC to Close The Point at Cape Henlopen for Beachnesting Season

 When open to the public, the Point is a great...

Weekly COVID-19 Update – February 25, 2022: COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations And Deaths Continue...

DOVER, DE (February 25, 2022) – The Delaware Division of Public Health...


La Banque Numérique des Patrimoines Martiniquais

La Banque Numérique des Patrimoines Martiniquais (BNPM) est le premier portail d’accès aux ressources documentaires sur le patrimoine culturel et historique de la Martinique...

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Proposal to Provide $250 Tax Rebate to Kansas Resident Taxpayers

Governor Laura Kelly today announced a new proposal for a one-time $250 tax rebate to all Kansas residents who filed a tax return in...


  6月6日,省委“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育领导小组办公室第一次主任会议暨省委巡回指导组培训会在汉召开。省委常委、组织部部长、领导小组副组长兼办公室主任王瑞连在部署工作时强调,领导干部要当好明白人、带头人,以高标准、严要求、好作风,把中央精神和省委要求领会深、把握准、贯彻好,推进“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育扎实开展、取得实效。   王瑞连强调,要准确把握主题教育的总要求、目标任务、重点措施,把守初心、担使命、找差距、抓落实的总要求以及学习教育、调查研究、检视问题、整改落实贯穿主题教育全过程,锤炼忠诚干净担当的政治品格,努力创造经得起实践、人民、历史检验的实绩。   王瑞连要求,切实发挥好领导小组办公室职能职责,坚持科学统筹,加强联络指导,注重宣传引导,抓好专项整治,强化制度建设,保证主题教育顺利推进;从严从实加强巡回指导,做到到位不越位,指导不包办;以坚强的党性和优良作风,打好这场大仗、硬仗,高效高质完成好省委交办任务,谱写湖北高质量发展新篇章。   省委主题教育领导小组办公室相关负责人就做好巡回指导工作作了培训。(彭小萍) Источник