Remember To Slow Down Around Farm Equipment


Released on May 30, 2019

With spring seeding underway, please be aware of slow moving farm machinery, as well as other large equipment, when travelling on Saskatchewan’s highways.

“This is a busy time for the agricultural community and it is important to remain patient and pay close attention to avoid any collisions,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Lori Carr said.  “Allow yourself some additional time to allow everyone the opportunity to get to their destination safely.”

Remember, you must slow to 60km/hr when passing emergency and service vehicles parked at the side of the road with their lights flashing, including:

  • tow trucks;
  • police vehicles;
  • ambulances;
  • fire trucks;
  • highway vehicles, including snow plows; and
  • road graders.

This will ensure drivers, passengers and crew members can do their jobs safely.

Remember To Slow Down Around Farm Equipment

“Whether it is a municipal road or provincial highway, you’ll see producers moving equipment from one field to another at this time of year,” Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities President Ray Orb said.  “In addition, there are large graders and other slow moving equipment on the road that will require some patience.”

To learn more about transporting farm equipment, producers can visit 

In addition to farm equipment, drivers also need to be aware of construction taking place on numerous highways this weekend.  Plan ahead and be patient when entering a highway construction work zone.

A weekly highway construction update is published on to provide the travelling public with the latest details on projects underway to help plan safe and efficient travel.

You can report a highway work zone signing problem by calling 306-244-5535.  Please check the Highway Hotline for road restriction information before planning your trip at 

The Government of Saskatchewan has invested more than $9 billion in transportation infrastructure since 2008, improving more than 13,000 km of Saskatchewan highways.


For more information, contact:

Steve Shaheen
Highways and Infrastructure
Phone: 306-933-5641
