Mifegymiso Coverage in the Northwest Territories


The Minister of Health and Social Services wishes to announce that the Government of Northwest Territories will now cover Mifegymiso for NWT residents with a valid NWT Health Care Card who do not have full coverage for prescriptions under another program or group insurance plan. 

Mifegymiso is a prescription drug administered through the Northern Options for Women (NOW) Program in Yellowknife and Inuvik and is used to terminate pregnancies up to nine weeks gestation.  In November 2018, the Minister committed to making Mifegymiso available without cost to women who do not have access to government or employer-sponsored health benefits.

Health Canada recently announced that it had relaxed the requirement for an initial ultrasound before Mifegymiso can be prescribed.  However, this change does not eliminate the need for health care providers to know the accurate date of the pregnancy, or change other necessary requirements to minimize patient risk with taking this drug.  For example, a person must have access to emergency medical treatment for two weeks after taking the drug in case of serious complications.

The Department of Health and Social Services and the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority are currently working on putting protocols and processes in place to possibly expand access to the NOW Program to communities other than Yellowknife and Inuvik.  Until such time as these protocols and procedures are in place the Department will cover the medical travel costs for residents residing outside of Yellowknife and Inuvik if the patient, in consultation with their medical practitioner, feels that this treatment is the right choice for them.

For more information on Mifegymiso, visit https://www.nthssa.ca/en/services/options-nordiques-pour-les-femmes-now/what-expect.

Additional Resources:

  • Mifegymiso in the Northwest Territories FAQ      

Media Contact:

Damien Healy
Manager of Communications
Department of Health and Social Services
Government of the Northwest Territories
1-867-767-9052 ext. 49034
