January 31 , 2025

How to save hundreds on your gas bill

Households could save hundreds of dollars on their gas bill each year through the Energy Switch service. Energy Switch is a free online service, helping...

Investing in Tasmania Police to make Tasmanians even safer

The Hodgman Liberal Government is the strongest supporter of Tasmania Police and is maintaining the momentum by providing the capital investment and boosting frontline...

First ever comprehensive wellbeing package for our emergency responders

The health and wellbeing of Tasmanian emergency responders is a key priority for the Hodgman Liberal Government. And we’ve put money where our mouth...

Delivering a new Visitor Centre at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens

Tenders are being sought for the design, documentation and construction management of the new Visitor Centre and associated works at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical...

Barrett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry Report

The Queensland Government received the Barrett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry Report on 24 June this year, and after careful consideration of patient...

Fairer fares for South East Queensland

Under the State Government's Fairer Fares package, more than 93 per cent of South East Queensland (SEQ) public transport users will save money with...

$800m for Cross River Rail

The Queensland Government today provided an in-principle commitment of $800 million towards building Queensland's number one infrastructure project. The move comes as Building Queensland, the...

State Government explores future Flinders bus interchange

The Marshall Government is exploring the best location for a future bus interchange in the Flinders and Tonsley precincts. A Request for Proposal has been...

Marshall Liberal Government commits $52.4 million to secure SA’s coasts

The Marshall Liberal Government will secure South Australia’s vulnerable coastline through a $52.4 million commitment in the 2019-20 State Budget to address the devastating...

Construction beginning on Mt Gambier dialysis unit

Construction on a new renal dialysis unit at the Mount Gambier and Districts Hospital will soon begin, allowing local patients to be cared for...


জলের দাবিতে আন্দোলন, রাস্তায় ফেলে মহিলাকে লাথি বিজেপি বিধায়কের

জলের দাবিতে বিধায়কের অফিসের বাইরে আরও কয়েকজনের সঙ্গে বিক্ষোভ দেখাচ্ছিলেন ওই মহিলা। তিনি ন্যাশনালিস্ট কংগ্রেস পার্টির সমর্থক বলে জানা গিয়েছে। সেই সময় নিজের অফিস...

בכירי המועצה ביקרו במקום נפילת הרקטה במשמרת

25.3.2019בכירי המועצה ביקרו במקום נפילת הרקטה במושב משמרת שבמועצה האזורית לב השרון, על מנת להביע תמיכה והזדהות עם אנשי המועצה הסמוכה, וללמוד על היערכותם...

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts highlighted the importance of...

CASSELTON, N.D. – North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts today highlighted the importance of carbon capture and storage to U.S. energy...


On May 29, Manitoba Finance’s Taxation Special Investigations Unit arrested a Ste. Anne resident within the city of Winnipeg and seized 122,816 contraband cigarettes,...


6月6日,国家主席习近平在圣彼得堡同俄罗斯总统普京再次举行会晤。普京邀请习近平共同乘船游览涅瓦河。   国家主席习近平6日在圣彼得堡同俄罗斯总统普京再次举行会晤。   普京邀请习近平共同乘船游览涅瓦河。普京欢迎习近平再次到访他的家乡,并向习近平介绍圣彼得堡的风土人情和沿途建筑。习近平表示,很高兴访问普京总统的家乡圣彼得堡。这里景色优美,文化艺术氛围浓厚。这片文明沃土曾发生过许多重大历史事件,孕育培养了大批杰出人物,特别是为世界反法西斯战争胜利付出了巨大牺牲,做出了重要贡献,是俄罗斯和俄罗斯人民的骄傲。   习近平和普京共同登上曾打响十月革命第一炮的阿芙乐尔号巡洋舰,听取有关历史介绍。习近平表示,阿芙乐尔号巡洋舰对中国人民而言意义非凡。当年十月革命一声炮响,给中国送来了马克思主义,为中国共产党的诞生发挥了重要作用。此后,正是在中国共产党的领导下,中国人民前赴后继,取得了中国革命和新中国建设的巨大成就。俄方完好地保留了阿芙乐尔号巡洋舰,体现着对历史的尊重。普京表示赞同,强调历史应当得到尊重。   两国元首一边欣赏着沿岸风光,一边畅谈这座古老城市的历史和今天,一致同意要促进中俄人文交流,加深两国人民相互了解和友谊。普京欢迎更多的中国游客来俄罗斯及圣彼得堡。   随后,两国元首来到冬宫继续长谈,就当前国际形势及重大国际和地区问题进一步深入交换意见。   习近平强调,当前,中俄两国都处在国家发展、民族复兴的重要历史阶段。在当前形势下,双方要深化战略协作,这不仅是为了维护中俄两国的利益,更是为了捍卫基本的国际准则和国际道义,维护世界和平、安全与稳定。   普京表示,国际形势越是复杂多变,俄中两国越要巩固和深化政治互信,加强在国际事务中的协调协作,维护国际法和国际关系基本准则。 Источник