February 23 , 2025

Media Statement – Innovative creators heading to London to spruik their businesses

​McGowan Government delivering on election commitment to utilise existing trade relationships with the UK to attract foreign investment in Western Australian start-ups Five WA...

Media Statements – New pre-apprenticeship program for Karratha students

Career pathway for students from Karratha Senior High School Part of the McGowan Government's Pilbara Collaboration Charter, an initiative between the State Government and...

Media Statements – Regional Local Content Initiative to boost jobs in the regions

​$300,000 to boost capability of regional small to medium enterprises to capture public and private sector contract opportunitiesDelivers on McGowan Government commitment to maximise...

Thursday 6 June 2019

In the evening at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, and Mr Warner hosted The Governor’s Winter Ball  to mark...

Apprentices on the increase in Tasmania

Tasmania has outperformed the nation in apprenticeship and traineeship commencements as the Hodgman Liberal Government continues to roll out record funding for education and...

Next step in the National Redress Scheme

Expressions of Interest have now opened to establish a register of providers to receive referrals and deliver counselling for eligible Tasmanian applicants under the...

Investing in regional tourism

Tourism fuels our state’s economy and contributes more than $3 billion to gross state product, while supporting around 38,000 jobs - 15.6% of total...

Further boon for motorists as QBE ‘floors’ its CTP rates for cars, utes

The State Government has welcomed the move by private insurer, QBE, to reduce its CTP insurance premiums offered to private passenger vehicles and all...

Removing the baa-rriers on sheep entry

The Marshall Liberal Government will make it easier for South Australian farmers to purchase sheep from across the border in an effort to fast...

Students awarded Premier’s ANZAC Spirit School Prize

More than 1000 students have taken part in the 2019 Premier’s ANZAC Spirit School Prize competition, with 16 Years 9 and 10 students from...



  6月4日,北斗导航应用示范项目推进会在汉召开。省委常委、统战部部长尔肯江·吐拉洪,副省长赵海山出席会议并讲话。   尔肯江·吐拉洪强调,北斗卫星导航应用示范项目,是中国第二代卫星导航系统重大专项在湖北省的区域性示范项目,省委省政府多次召开北斗导航应用示范项目推进会,体现了省委省政府推广应用北斗导航系统的决心和信心。各单位要提高政治站位,把推进北斗项目作为树牢“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、坚决做到“两个维护”的直接检验和具体行动,全力以赴把项目建设好、发展好。要聚焦进度任务,围绕合同变更、验收迎检、推广应用等重点,全力打好攻坚战。要加强组织领导,强化责任、强化配合、强化作风抓落实,用全面完成北斗示范项目的实际行动来诠释初心使命。   赵海山强调,北斗导航应用关系国家安全、产业发展,要从保障国家安全、抢占市场先机的高度和角度,围绕北斗应用产业标准,建立开放资源,从行政统筹、技术服务、成果转化、市场推广加大力度,挖掘北斗系统的应用潜力,深化北斗在我省各个行业、各个领域的应用,助推我省北斗产业发展。(彭一苇) Источник


6月4日,记者从省防汛抗旱指挥部2019年第四次防汛会商会获悉,今年主汛期结束可能偏晚。省防指分析研判,当前全省已进入防汛关键期,六七月将面临降雨集中、降雨偏多的严峻形势,连续集中强降雨很可能引发中小河流洪水和山洪地质灾害,持续的降雨偏多还可能导致五河、鄱阳湖发生区域性洪水,鄱阳湖水位可能超警戒。省防指要求,各地各部门要按照“防大汛、抗大洪、抢大险、救大灾”的要求,统筹做好安全防范措施,全力抓好防汛关键期各项工作。当前,要以山洪地质灾害防御、中小河流洪水防洪、水库(水电站)山塘和在建工程安全度汛、城乡内涝防范等为重点,特别关注端午期间水上活动的安全防范和高考期间城市内涝影响,切实加强巡查防守,提前落实有效措施,及时消除各类工程和各风险区域的安全隐患,加强工程科学调度。另悉,6月5日至12日,我省将迎来入汛以来首个降雨集中期。6月5日至7日,我省北部有一次较明显的对流性天气过程,部分地区暴雨,局部地区大暴雨,并伴有强雷电、短时强降水和短时8级以上雷暴大风等强对流天气。6月8日至12日,我省有连续性的大雨到暴雨,局部大暴雨。省气象部门提醒,目前,早稻进入产量形成关键期,要防范集中降雨对农业生产的不利影响,遇淹水情况优先抢排早稻田积水。 Источник

President Grants Federal Emergency Disaster Declaration

President Donald Trump has granted a request from Governor Laura Kelly for an emergency federal disaster declaration for 18 Kansas counties affected by severe weather,...

State Submits Action Plan to HUD to Spend $600 Million on Recovery from Hurricanes...

Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards announced the state has published its proposed action plan for spending $600 million in federal funding for recovery from...

Gov. Justice announces that Infor global technology company will open location in Kanawha Valley,...

2/7/2019 Company plans to develop tech talent pipeline with state universities     CHARLESTON, WV - Gov. Jim Justice announced today that global technology company Infor will open its...