April 25 , 2024

Weekly COVID-19 Update – February 25, 2022: COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations And Deaths Continue...

DOVER, DE (February 25, 2022) – The Delaware Division of Public Health...

Governor Abbott Vetoes SB 1804

Senate Bill 1804 was a laudable effort to address domestic violence, until someone slipped in an ill-considered giveaway to a radioactive waste disposal facility....

Governor’s Office – Flag Order – Flags to fly at half-staff to honor the...

HONOLULU – At the direction of the President of the United States, Gov. David Ige has ordered that the United States flag and the...

Burgum announces community development funds to improve main streets, public facilities and services

BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum, in partnership with the North Dakota Department of Commerce, has announced an expanded community development program aimed at improving...

Governor Murphy Delivers Remarks at the New Jersey Policy Perspective’s “Progress 2019: New Jersey...

May 10, 2019  Remarks as Prepared for Delivery   Good afternoon, everyone! It is an honor to be part of today’s conference....

Gov. Justice announces May 2019 Revenue Collections in at another historic surplus

6/3/2019 CHARLESTON, WV – Gov. Jim Justice reports today that May Revenue Collections resulted in a $46.4 million surplus, which was 15.8% above prior year...

Governor Ducey Signs Fiscally Conservative, Balanced Budget

 Plan Boosts Rainy Day Fund To Record $1 Billion, Invests In Key PrioritiesPHOENIX — Governor Doug Ducey today signed Arizona’s fiscally conservative, balanced budget. The plan,...

Governor DeSantis Calls on Legislature to Defend Free Speech of Florida Health Care Workers

PANAMA CITY, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis called on the Florida Legislature to protect health care practitioners’ freedom of speech and bolster patient access to...

Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Anti-Semitism Protections Bill CS/CS/HB 741

Tallahassee, Fla. – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis officially signed CS/CS/HB 741: Anti-Semitism into law following a ceremonial bill signing earlier this week in Jerusalem....


Statement by Governor Murphy on the Nomination of Philip Sellinger as U.S. Attorney for...

TRENTON - Governor Phil Murphy released the following statement following President Biden’s nomination of Philip Sellinger as U.S. Attorney for the District of New...

Burgum: Carefully manage dam releases to minimize impacts, prevent flooding

BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum today expressed his support for careful management of releases from Garrison Dam to prevent flooding and minimize impacts along...

Burgum: Preliminary revenue forecast reaffirms need for conservative approach to 2019-2021 budget

BISMARCK, N.D. – A preliminary revenue forecast released today by the state Office of Management and Budget (OMB) underscores the need to budget conservatively while...

Agriculture : tester des alternatives au glyphosate

Dans le cadre du plan expérimental "Glyphosate Normandie 2021", un appel à candidature est lancé jusqu’au 1er juillet 2019 auprès des exploitants agricoles qui...

“生态小公民”经验交流会在宜昌召开 顾秀莲出席并讲话

  5月29日,全省关工委系统“生态小公民”教育活动现场经验交流会在宜昌召开,十届全国人大常委会副委员长、中国关工委主任顾秀莲出席会议并讲话。中国关工委常务副主任刘晓连出席会议。受省委书记蒋超良,省委副书记、省长王晓东委托,省委常委、宜昌市委书记周霁代表省委、省政府致辞。   顾秀莲指出,青少年是祖国的未来、民族的希望。做好青少年生态环境保护工作,事关下一代健康成长,事关亿万家庭幸福生活,事关中华民族伟大复兴。在生态环境保护上,宜昌市党委政府重视,顶层设计好;发动群众,广度深度好;社会各方积极参与好;形成了“政府、学校、社区、家庭”四位一体、齐抓共管的新局面。   顾秀莲要求,各级关工委要以习近平新时代生态文明思想为指导,把青少年环境保护工作作为一项战略性任务、长期性工程抓紧抓好;要坚持在党委、政府的统一领导下,发挥关工委“智囊团”“润滑剂”等作用,积极为青少年生态环境保护建言献策;要组织动员更多“五老”参与到青少年生态环境保护工作中,不断壮大“五老”生态环保队伍力量;要坚持贴近新时代青少年所需所盼所想,开展融合度高、参与度广、教育性强、趣味性浓的主题活动,让生态环境保护回归生活、融入生活,引导广大青少年知行合一。   会上,省人大常委会原副主任、省关工委主任吴华品介绍了工作经验。会议期间,顾秀莲一行参观了枝江市东方年华田园综合体、夷陵区东湖初中、猇亭区424公园等现场。长江经济带沿线部分省市及省内各市州关工委负责人参加会议。(王际凯、姚晶晶、夏红胜) Источник