February 23 , 2025

Volunteers Needed for Christina River Watershed Cleanup April 2

The Moran family with bags of trash they picked up...

Governor Carney Announces $40 Million of American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Funding for Delaware Libraries

Funds for Nine Libraries Across the State WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor...

Gov. Doug Burgum released a statement after state Sen. Ray Holmberg of Grand Forks...

BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum released the following statement today after state Sen. Ray Holmberg of Grand Forks announced that he will retire...

Statement from Governor Murphy on Build Back Better Framework

"Congratulations to President Biden on securing a framework for historic investments in working and middle class American families. This proposed framework ensures childcare, pre-K and elder...

Delaware Holds Successful Bond Sale; Triple A Bond Ratings Affirmed

Wilmington, DE (February 17, 2022) – Finance Secretary Rick Geisenberger...

February 23: Forum on Racial History and Education in Delaware

On Wednesday, February 23 at 6:30 p.m., Governor Carney will...

Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Bill to Officially Designate Strawberry Shortcake as the State Dessert

PLANT CITY, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1006, designating the Strawberry Shortcake with natural Florida dairy topping as...

Press Pool Coverage: Governor Murphy Joins AFSCME President Lee Saunders as He Recieves COVID-19...

PRINT: TRENTON - Governor Phil Murphy lent his support to national public employee leader, Lee Saunders, president of American Federation of State, County and Municipal...



  5月29日,省委书记、省人大常委会主任蒋超良,省委副书记、省长王晓东在随州会见来鄂出席世界华人炎帝故里寻根节的中国国民党前副主席陈镇湘一行。   蒋超良代表省委省政府欢迎陈镇湘一行。他说,习近平总书记在《告台湾同胞书》发表40周年纪念会上的重要讲话,全面阐述了新时代坚持“一国两制”和推进祖国和平统一的五项重大主张,为我们做好新时代对台工作提供了根本遵循和行动指南。近年来,湖北作为台企台胞的重要聚集地,坚决贯彻执行党中央对台工作决策部署,推动国家“31条惠台措施”和我省“62条惠台措施”落实落地,以海峡两岸产业合作区设立为契机,全力推进两地产业合作,支持台湾青年来鄂创业发展,鄂台经贸文化交流不断深入,台企台胞的获得感不断增强。下一步,我们将继续推进落实各项惠台政策,深化鄂台交流合作、融合发展,促进两岸同胞心灵契合。   陈镇湘称赞湖北出台各项惠台政策为台企、台胞提供了便利和实惠,祝贺湖北近年来经济社会发展、环境保护取得的巨大成就,表示两岸同胞同根同源、同文同种,自己作为炎黄子孙,将传承和弘扬包括炎帝人文精神在内的中华优秀传统文化,继续为两岸和平发展、实现中华民族伟大复兴贡献力量。   海峡两岸关系协会副会长孙亚夫;省委常委、省委秘书长梁伟年,省政府秘书长别必雄等参加会见。(周呈思) Источник

Governor Newsom Issues Executive Order to Support Communities Recovering from Wildfires

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today signed an executive order to further assist communities across the state recovering from devastating wildfires in 2017 and 2018. The...

Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women Leela Aheer issued the following statement...

Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women Leela Aheer issued the following statement to recognize Philippine Heritage Month in Alberta: ...

Gestion des risques majeurs

La Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique fait de la prévention et la gestion des risques majeurs un enjeu prioritaire pour le développement durable de la...