February 23 , 2025

Governor Murphy and NJDOT Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti Announce $161 Million in FY 22 Municipal...

Funds Will Support Safety, Infrastructure, and Quality of Life Improvements TRENTON - Governor Phil Murphy and New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti...

Delaware Public Service Commission Releases Final Report on Delmarva Power’s Electric Supply Auction

Today, the Delaware Public Service Commission (PSC) released The Final...

Division of the Arts to Host Annual State Employee Art Exhibition

More than 200 state employees and their family members have...

Statement from Governor Murphy on the Confirmation of Karen William

TRENTON - Governor Phil Murphy today released the following statement following the confirmation by the U.S. Senate of Karen Williams to the U.S. District...

Volunteers Honored For Their Disaster Work

SMYRNA, DE: The Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) proudly highlights...

Auditor’s Office Achieves Highest Possible Ranking for National Peer Review  

DOVER, Del. – State Auditor Kathy McGuiness announced today that...

Governor DeSantis Announces Additional Resources for Northwest Florida Families Impacted by Wildfires

BAY COUNTY, Fla. – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced additional state resources through the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and Florida Department of...

Gov. Doug Burgum released a statement after President Joe Biden announced a ban on...

BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum today released the following statement after President Joe Biden announced a ban on the import of Russian oil, liquified...

Statement by Governor Murphy on the Nomination of Philip Sellinger as U.S. Attorney for...

TRENTON - Governor Phil Murphy released the following statement following President Biden’s nomination of Philip Sellinger as U.S. Attorney for the District of New...


Weekly COVID-19 Update – February 18, 2022: Cases, Hospitalizations Continue Downward Trend

DOVER, DE (February 18, 2022) – The Delaware Division of Public Health...


  5月28日,副省长覃伟中率队赴茂名市调研石化、工业和信息化及交通设施建设等方面情况,先后考察茂名石化公司化工分部、炼油分部、高新区展览馆、新华粤石化集团、茂名石化巴斯夫及氢燃料电池、新能源汽车产业园,与相关企业负责人深入交流;赴滨海新区详细了解滨海旅游规划、滨海旅游公路和“四好农村路”等交通基础设施建设,并与出席茂名市2019年“人才活动周”的院士和专家密切互动;深入临港工业园区,实地察看丙烷脱氢产业链、粤西LNG项目造陆工程、粤电博贺煤电一体化发电等项目进展情况。  覃伟中充分肯定了茂名市发展石化等工业和信息化、滨海旅游和交通设施方面的工作成效。他强调,要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,认真学习贯彻习近平总书记对广东重要讲话和重要指示批示精神,紧紧围绕构建“一核一带一区”区域发展新格局的战略部署,发挥老石化基地优势,主动融入粤港澳大湾区,加强科技成果对接与转化,高质量建设好重化产业集群;抢抓机遇,围绕石化产业链强链补链拓链,积极引进重大项目,发展中下游高端产品;强化政务服务,优化营商环境,助力企业提质增效;注重绿色发展,狠抓安全和环保,努力提升管理水平;积极培育高科技企业,支持有条件的企业挂牌上市;切实加强基础设施建设,带动地方经济发展。  Источник

AFTERNOON ROUNDUP: Governor Ron DeSantis Visits the Old City of Jerusalem and Meets with...

Jerusalem, Israel – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis visited cultural sites in the Old City of Jerusalem and met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,...

Governor Chris Sununu Directs Flags to Half-Staff in Accordance with President’s Proclamation

Concord, NH - In accordance with the President's proclamation, Governor Chris Sununu has directed flags on all public buildings and grounds in the State...

Alberta’s fight for jobs and Canada’s energy industry continues in British Columbia with the...

Alberta’s fight for jobs and Canada’s energy industry continues in British Columbia with the launch of a campaign reinforcing the need for the Trans...